Chapter 32

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"Did you find out when James is going to be back with Severus?" Dumbledore asked Peter who was slightly squirming in his seat due to fear. "What about Sirius?"

"Headmaster, Remus isn't talking to me like before. He spends almost all of his time with either Lestrange or with the little Black." Peter said looking at the table instead of looking at Dumbledore. "When I went to talk to him, he said he was busy and went away with those two."

"Little Black and Lestrange, huh?" Dumbledore stroked his beard before smirking slightly making Peter shiver at the cruelty he could see in Dumbledore's eyes. "You can leave, Peter."

"Thank you, Headmaster." Peter almost ran out, but stopped himself. He walked as fast as he can with his short legs and rushed out. 

"Regulus Black." Dumbledore smirked as he rolled the paper weight sitting on his table that he uses to place on parchments even if it isn't needed. He likes to use muggle things to show everyone that he isn't a bigot like those dark purebloods. He stood up from his chair and went to the floo to call a certain Slytherin who is going to help him achieve his goals easily. 

"Albus, what a pleasant surprise." Slughorn exclaimed going to the fire place hastily. "How can I help you?"

"I wanted to know if little Jessica is fine with her dorm mates now." Dumbledore asked concerned. 

"Of course, of course. After Mr Potter's warning and their parents' punishment, they are now in their limits." Slughorn said nodding his head rapidly. "Mr Potter even made sure that her things won't be stolen or damaged anymore by placing necessary charms over them. He really cares about her."

"He is very good kid." Dumbledore smiled. "Just like his father."

"Yes, yes. Charlus Potter had a big heart and that was why Dorea Potter has fallen to his charms." Slughorn said smiling not noticing the dark look that passed over Dumbledore's face for a moment. 

"Right, right. I can see that you are busy. I won't disturb you anymore." Dumbledore said making Slughorn nod his head not at all suspecting anything and going away as Dumbledore left the floo. 

"Jessica Cox and her connection to James Potter." Dumbledore stroked his beard as he looked at the portrait of Phineas Black who is currently sleeping just like every other Headmaster in the other portraits. "Perfect."


"Again?" Lily groaned when she saw Dumbledore's letter summoning her to his office again. "Why?"

"He seems to be in a strange mood. Don't make him wait any longer." Peter suggested in a whisper from her side. 

"Alright, thanks." Lily nodded and left just as Remus came into the great hall looking happier than usual. 

"Hi Moony, you look happy." Peter chirped slightly. 

"Yeah." Remus' smile turned stiff for a moment not that Peter has the skills to notice it. He went to his usual seat ignoring Peter like usual making him scowl at the back of the werewolf. 

"Half breed thinking he is so great." Peter sneered at the plate in front of him just as a loud voice sounded from the entrance of the great hall. 

"Moony, Basti, Reggie, I'm back!" James almost ran towards them if not for Severus' hand holding him in place. "Come on, walk faster." James dragged Severus to his friends who were grinning at him. 

"I missed you so much, Jamie." Regulus was the first to pounce on him as he ran towards James unlike the other two who walked at their usual pace wanting to look mature even if they wanted to just tackle James into a hug. 

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