Chapter 5

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James just came out of Honeydukes when he saw Evans coming towards him. He sighed, he didn't understand what she wants. When he wanted her attention, she ignored him. Now when he just wants to forget her and move on, she is following him. He didn't want to talk to her right now. He wants to meet L and R who might be waiting for him. He was already half day late as it was almost lunch time.

"James, I was searching for you everywhere. Who is she? Are they Slytherin robes? Is she a Slytherin? Why are you holding her? Is she even a third year?" Lily kept on asking him questions which are irritating him and he was about to snap at her.

"Lily, there is a Gryffindor third year near Zonko's who need your help." A slight drawl was heard beside him. Lily didn't want to go but she is the head girl and have to go there. James turned to Snape and narrowed his eyes.

"Why did you lie to her?" James asked him still holding the little girl in his arms, who was looking at James and no one else.

"I saw you didn't like talking to her so I just thought to help you." Severus shrugged awkwardly. "Look, I just wanted to help a bit, that's it."

"Why? It's not like we are best friends, hell.we are not even on talking terms with each other. Why did you help me?" James asked looking at him.

"I just got to know some truths, that's it. Anyways, I was searching for you so that I can talk." Severus looked around and James understood and followed him. Jessica looked at Severus with a smile.

"How are you Jessie? Are there any problems with your dorm mates again?" Severus asked her while they were walking and James was surprised that he was talking nicely to her.

"Uh-huh. My chain was lost and Jamie got it back for me. He is so nice Sevvie. He helped me and even gave me hot chocolate and he sneaked me out of the castle." Jessica giggled which made them smile.

"So, Sevvie huh? I didn't know people call you Sevvie." James laughed at Snape's expression making Severus scowl but he smiled a bit though.

They went into a secluded place where there were less people and sat on a bench. Jessica still didn't leave James and sat on his lap with his arms around her holding her securely.

"So what do you want to talk?" James asked him directly.

"I- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did to Black. I knew it was wrong but then you targeted me and it went on like that. I realised my mistake." James looked at him surprised. He didn't expect Snape to apologise to him. He thought Snape felt he targeted him because of Evans just like everyone but Snape is more intelligent than everyone gave him credit. "I know you must be thinking how I knew it was Black and not Lily. It's easy, really. You love Black as your own brother and you targeted me even before you started proposing Lily." He shrugged.

"I think it's fine. People make mistakes when they are young. I should apologise to you too for targeting you for every prank. Even though what you did was not right, I shouldn't have done that." James said with a small smile.

Severus smiled back shocking James a bit as he saw him smile for the first time. Severus didn't tell.James about what he heard Lily and Peter talk about him. Severus was silent for a moment before speaking.

"So I guess we can start as friends?" He held his hand for James to shake which he took immediately and shook while smiling.

"And I suggest you to be careful around Lily, Pettigrew and the headmaster." James looked at him confused. *I don't know why but I think you should be careful. Please, don't tell anyone I said that. I can't explain everything now."

James nodded and promised not to tell anyone when Jessica rugged on his sleeve. He looked down at her. "I'm hungry." She said to him shyly. James chuckled and stood up.

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