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Btw, I am going to kinda sensor whenever people call Dipper his dead name, first off because I don't want to try and pick a name for him since it would end up sounding cringe anyway, and second off, this story is kinda told like Dipper is telling it, and I don't think he would want to mention his own deadname either.

Also, Bill's perspective will always be written like this and so will it be whenever he speak until he gains a physical form and so will the speech of anyone in the mindscape.

xx Deep in Mabel's mind xx
Bill POV

Ugh, where am I? Dear Satan everything is hurting! And not in the hilarious way! I should probably find out where I am.

I look around to be met by a white landscape, is this the mindscape? No, I don't think so. Suddenly a big window opens right in front of me. Through the window I see that I am inside some bus. Wait, now I remember, I am in Shooting Star's mind!

I-... I almost died... C'mon that's the third time this century!!

Anyways, it seems like Shooting Star is in some bus. She is heading home, isn't she? Well, right now I should hide in the deepest ends of her mind, and soon enough, I will find myself a puppet to use as a vessel.

Though it probably won't be Shooting Star, even though she isn't the smartest, she already knows my tricks. I shouldn't worry, Shooting Star is a social butterfly, she probably has some friend I can use.

A few hours later...

It seems like we have arrived as Shooting Star stood off the bus. I had mustered up some of my power and made myself a non physical form outside of Shooting Star's mind, so I floated after her as she walked down the road.

We were in a pretty nice neighborhood, houses freshly painted in white or light blue stood tall on both sides of the street as all the houses were at least two stories, it seemed this was a pretty rich part of town.

It has been a while since I visited any place other than Gravity Falls, perhaps being bound to this human isn't that bad. Though I should hurry up and find someone to possess or make a deal with.

Soon we arrived in front of a pretty light blue house. The garden had a brown fence surrounding it and flowers planted to the left. Shooting Star opened the little gate and stepped inside the garden with a deep breath.

"I'm home," She stated.

She walked closer to the front door and twisted the door knob, only to be meet by screaming from the inside.

"Just wear it!" A woman yelled.

"Why do you always want to control what I want to wear?!" The voice that answered was thin, kinda girl like, though it came from a kid, who looked very similar to Shooting Star. He was wearing a pine tree hat, some shorts and... a hoodie? In this weather? I mean, I don't care, but it's like a 200 degrees outside.

"Why do you need everything to be boy-ish!" The woman placed her hands on her hips, glaring the younger kid down.

"Because I am a boy, mom! When will you accept it!? I feel happy as a boy!" The boy shouted, I could see tears were threatening to fall from his eyes.

"No, you are not! When will you accept the truth and stop living in that fantasy of yours?!" The woman seemed to snap. "You have girl legs, girl hips, girl thighs, girl chest, and a girl face! Because you are a beautiful girl!"

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