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"You shameless," she grabbed his arm as soon as he walked in the door, "good for nothing," she dragged him through the house before he had a chance to even realize what was happening, "vile, shameless child."

She threw him on the floor with more strength than intended. He shook in fear, and she shook in anger.

"How dare you disrespect me in such way?!" Her tongue was sharp and ready to cut through skin and bone.

"Holy Axolotl," Bill stared wide eyed at what was happening before him. "She has gone crazy, yup we're leaving."

And he waited for Dipper to stand up and show attitude like he normally did, but he just stayed on the ground, frozen in fear in front of the person who was supposed to make him feel safe.

His mother eyed him up and down, the eyes that should have been filled with love stared him down like he was a disgusting rat.

"You dirty, nasty, wretch of a thing," she continued.

That was when Bill decided to step in, he couldn't do much but he knew that what Dipper's mother currently was doing was about to kill his human. N-Not that I care, of course, she'll just ruin my vessel, Bill reminded himself.

"Hey, hey, look at me," Bill spoke softly to Dipper who turned his head to him. Bill could see fear and anxiety in his eyes yet the boy's face remained numb. "You're okay, just calm. Only concentrate on my voice."

"Listen to me when I speak to you," his mother noticed Dipper dissociating. "NOW YOU LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SPEAK TO YOU!"

Dipper let out a small shriek as he raised his arms over his head in a defensive position. He would dissociate quite often before he met Bill, he would call it "speeding time up" as he just put himself in auto pilot.

It was a defense mechanism, but it was pretty clear that it wouldn't be able to protect him right now.

"THIS IS MY HOUSE AND YOU'LL LISTEN TO ME YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!" She was going mad and Bill could sense that.

"Pinetree, run, trust me and fucking run," and that was all that Dipper needed. They were currently standing in the hallway, his mother blocking the way towards the exit so Dipper just got up and ran towards the bathroom, the room with a lock and a window that wasn't on the second floor.

His mother didn't have time to react before Dipper sprinted to the bathroom, his natural instincts yelling like thousands voices in his head, "run, run, run"

He slammed the door and pressed his whole body against it in case his mother was fast enough to get to the door before he locked it, and just as Dipper twisted the lock and the door said a small click sound, banging was heard on the other side of the door.

"OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW, DEADNAME!" Dipper huddled to the floor and started to shake violently and hyperventilate.

The sobs came soon after and he started to dig his nails into his arms, scratching them till they drew blood.

While Bill had gathered enough power just to make one spell. He slowly moved towards Dipper and kneeled next to him, the brunette not even looking up at him.

Bill gently placed his gloved hands that were now glowing a faint blue color on Dipper's ears and all the noise suddenly started to faint, until the banging on the door completely stopped.

Well, it didn't really stop because Dipper could still feel the door shake behind him from his mother banging her fists against the wood, but he... couldn't hear it anymore.

//Freak// *Trans Dipper AU*Where stories live. Discover now