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this is like 9000 words oml
but yh, enjoy


Alcor walked as fast as he could through the burning forest while trying his best to avoid getting burned. Tears were streaming down his face as he tried to collect himself and make some sort of plan up in his head.

He needed to fix this. He needed to find some solution to this. As he was nearing the shack, he felt the wind pick up. At first he didn't pay any mind, before the wind literally started to push him forward forcefully and he almost tripped several times.

Looking around, it seemed as a hurricane was forming, and Alcor hurried to get inside the shack. As soon as he opened the door, four faces stood and stared at him in expectation.

"So?" Ford asked as soon as Alcor stepped inside and closed the door tightly. The storm outside was getting so bad that the whole house shook.

Even Christine, who had been clueless when he first left, was staring at him in hopes of good news. Perhaps Ford had explained the situation to her.

"Did you... speak to him?" Christine asked slowly.

Alcor sighed as he stepped further into the house. "I did, but it's no use. What can I say, other than mental illness, bad taste in men seems to run in the family as well."

She opened her mouth to respond to Alcor's remark before fear quickly washed over her features as she realized what Alcor just said meant.

Silence filled the room as everyone started to settle with the idea that they were going to have to deal with an apocalypse.

"Did you evacuate the people?" Alcor spoke up and turned his head towards Mabel.

"Yeah, everyone should be hiding in their underground bunkers."

"Underground bunk- why the hell would they have underground bunkers-" Alcor stopped himself as he remembered that this apocalypse wouldn't be the first this town had had to deal with.

Then suddenly, the ground beneath their feet started to shake violently.

Earthquake, Alcor frowned as he struggled to stand on his feet without stumbling.

"Everyone hurry to the basement!" Ford yelled.


Alcor was unaware of how long they had been down here. Surely more than ten hours, as soon enough, everyone got tired and decided to go to sleep. Everyone, except Alcor.

He couldn't make his own mind stop running, so he stayed up.

It wasn't his first time staying awake for over twenty four hours, he was used to sleepless nights.

Usually Bill is here to help me through those, Alcor thought before he could stop himself.

He shouldn't be missing that asshole! He was a bastard and whatever they had was over. Yet Alcor couldn't make the pain in his chest go away.


He had managed to fall asleep at some point, but the dark circles under his eyes indicated that he probably didn't get to sleep for more than an hour or two before he was woken up by his sister's voice.

"C'mon, Dip, we need to go see what the situation up there is," she spoke gently.

He knew that she probably understood the most about what he was going through, but he didn't want her empathy at the moment, it just made him feel pathetic.

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