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"Where even is that place?" Bill asked as the two walked through the forest.

"At somewhere called 'the Mystery Shack'," Alcor answered.

Bill took a deep breath, he hoped the unicorn hair wouldn't affect him anymore now that he had this human form. Speaking of his form, he had changed it up a bit, just so he would appear more human like. 

His eye patch was now gone and his right eye was visible and looked more human, his pupils were less catlike too.

"I think I know where that is," Bill said, not wanting to wander in the woods for too long.

"How do you know that?"

"All knowing, remember?" Bill simply answered.

It wasn't long before they arrived, and as Mabel said, almost the whole town really had gathered. There were people chatting outside, but mostly everyone was inside the house.

Alcor hated stuff like parties and social events, and this was no exception. Bill noticed that, of course, and wrapped on arm around the brunette's shoulders. It was something so casual that it would go unnoticed by anyone else, though Alcor was about to explode.

"Alcor!" The cheerful voice of Mabel snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Oh uhm, hi," he greeted and moved slightly away from Bill who pulled his arm back.

"You even brought a friend! Who is that?" Mabel asked.

"William Cipher," Bill introduced himself.

Alcor looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "William?"

Mabel looked from Alcor to Bill, before making an "o" shape with her mouth. "Ohh, sorry my bad. You guys look like a very cute couple, though you both seem very young to be married."

"C-COUPLE?!" Alcor choked out while Bill just smirked, spawning two golden rings on their hands without anyone noticing.

"Mhm, we've been married for around half a year now," Bill said, showing the ring golden ring.

"That's so nice! I'm Mabel Pines by the way," Mabel introduced herself and they both shook hands.

"Nice to meet you, Mabel," Bill smiled.

"There's some drinks inside if you guys want some, I'll be around if you would need me," she said and then walked away.

Alcor brought his hands up to his face and hid himself behind them, embarrassed and questioning his life choices that led up to this moment.

"Why would you do that?" He muttered.

"I assume you introduced yourself with my last name and that's what led to this?" Bill grinned.

"What else was I supposed to say?! Deadname Pines?!" Alcor snapped.

"Don't worry, I don't mind us sharing a last name, honey."

"Ew, stop," the human's face was the same color as a tomato to which Bill laughed.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks," Bill started to walk away and Alcor's eyes widened.

"Wait don't leave me!"

"You'll be fine, babe! I believe in you!"

"I hate you!!"

//Freak// *Trans Dipper AU*Where stories live. Discover now