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"What are we doing here?" Dipper asked as they stood in front of a triangular statue sticking up the ground. "And what on earth is this statue supposed to present?"

"That was my last form," Bill said.

"Wait, you were a Dorito before?! No wonder you get so offended whenever I even think about eating those!" Dipper grinned.

"Yeah well how would you feel if I started eating tiny copies of you?" Bill snapped back with an attitude.

"That's not the same."

"It is!"

When both of them were done with their bickering, they got to the ritual. Even though Dipper didn't possess any of the journals, Bill was good at helping him arrange the candles (that he spawned) and everything.

At last, it was done, and the only thing left to do was for Dipper to say the spell.

"Alright, kid, go. C'mon, we don't have all day! I have a very tight schedule," Bill said.

"Sure you do," Dipper scoffed. "The only thing you do is be around me all day."

Bill smiled. "When I get revived I will spawn thousands of small insects inside your body and they'll eat you from the inside out."

Dipper only grinned, feeling somehow safe in Bill's usually threatening presence. He had come to trust Bill, and it was arguably a good or bad thing.

"Triangulum, Entangulum. Meteforis Dominus Ventium," Dipper started to chant. His body floated off the ground, and time seemed to have slowed down until it completely stopped and lost its colors.

Bill could feel it deep in his bones. It started as a slight tingle, before his whole body started to warm up, from mildly cool temperature to a lava hot one, burning him from the inside out.

His eyes rolled back and everything was so bright that he couldn't see anything. And then, it stopped.

Everything was gone as fast as it started and there was almost no trace of the overwhelming euphoria Bill had felt other than the fact he was now existing outside the mindscape again.

He was out of breaths and on his hands and knees on the soft forest ground, panting before a grin started to tug on his features.

"I-I-...I'm back," he muttered, the words meant for his ears only, he was affirming it for himself. "I'm back! Hahaha!" He said again, this time louder, announcing to every little animal or insect in ten meter radius.

Though it was clear that soon the whole world would get to know as well.

He stood on his feet, a bit dizzy from everything and he needed to get used to this form, but that would happen in no time.

As the demon stretched his arms, when suddenly a sharp pain stroke him like lightning. He bent forward, embracing his body in agony. Fuck, pain isn't that hilarious in this body, Bill cursed.

Slowly, the pain started to fade away, but the adrenaline and worry bumping through Bill's veins had no intentions to leave any time soon.

"There's something wrong," Bill stated the obvious. "Pinetree, are you sure you didn't mess up the ritu-" Bill stopped in his tracks as he saw the passed out brunette behind him.

Now that he thought about it, Bill realized Dipper must've been exhausted. The boy had probably only gotten around five hours of sleep and had been through hell and back.

//Freak// *Trans Dipper AU*Where stories live. Discover now