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Alcor POV

I slowly woke up from the huge headache I had. Though as I opened my eyes, I realized the headache was the last thing I should worry about.

I was tied to a chair in some sort of basement. The walls were made of gray concrete and so was the floor. There were a few shelves on the walls with stuff like screwdrivers and other tools.

"Pinetree! You're awake," Besides me was Bill, he was also tied to a chair. He looked surprisingly happy despite the situation.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"No clue," Bill said. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you have your powers back now? Can't you just teleport us out of here?"

"I can teleport us out of here even without a major amount of my powers," Bill said.

"And why don't you?" I was full of questions.

"Well," Bill's expression turned serious. "The ritual went a bit wrong-"

"Again?!" I exclaimed. "I'm starting to think I'm just not build for this."

"No, no, you did great," the way he praised me made my cheeks fluster. "I got a bit of my powers back, though a big amount of them is missing. They are... well uh, good news is that they're on earth. Bad news are that they are spread all over the place."

"What?!" My eyes widened. "What do you mean all over the place?!"

"I mean that they are spread out like fucking marbles," Bill said. "Though it wouldn't be too hard to find it, I can easily track my powers since they are like a part of me."

I just nodded my head as I tried processing what was going on. "Okay, so get us out of here so we can start this scavenger hunt or whatever."

"No, we'll need the help of someone," Bill explained and with a snap of fingers he was out of his ropes.

"Why?" I asked. It had been only me and Bill for over seven years, why would we need anyone else?

"Because we got caught, Pinetree, as you can tell," Bill gestured around with his hands. "And by a pretty dangerous person to our mission. So right now we need to team up with them, we'll just betray them once I get all my powers."

"Sounds like a plan," I said. "But who did we get caught by-"

Before I could finish my sentence, we heard steps coming towards the room. Bill quickly teleported back to the chair and the ropes quickly wrapping around him. I could hear voices from outside this room, there were multiple people and it seemed like they were arguing.

Soon the door was flung open and an old man stumbled down the stairs and towards us, still arguing with the other people standing on the other side of the door.

I recognized the man to be Mabel's great uncle, which immediately made me panic.

"His name is Stanford," Bill whispered to me. "Just thought it would be awkward if you couldn't remember his name."

"Thanks," I whispered back.

That was when Stanford noticed us being awake and he quickly closed the door behind himself.

"You're awake," he cleared his throat.

"And you're observant," I answered.

"Hush! I can't believe I'm the one to say this but, be polite!" Bill spoke to me through telekinesis. "If he realizes we're up to something, everything can take a huge turn for the worst."

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