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Even though the walk from the park to his home was short, Dipper was already soaking when he got to the front door of his house.

"It's raining cats and dogs, huh?" Bill pointed out.

"Yup, I'm actually surprised you didn't start melting or something in the rain."

"If you associate me with these stupid ghosts one more time I will be the death of you," Bill threatened as they both stepped inside.

On the other side of the door Dipper's mother stood, her hands crossed. Dipper's smile immediately dropped as he stared in fear of what had pissed her off this time.

"Is that woman ever happy?" Bill grumbled.

Dipper slowly slid the shoes off his feet and waited for his mother to speak up.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"The park, I told you," Dipper said.

"You didn't tell me anything."

"I did, you were here with the guests and I told you I was going out."

"Yes but you never told me where exactly you were going."

"You never asked."

"Don't get sassy with me, you're in trouble," she snapped and Dipper immediately shut up, "I'm taking your devices away for a week."

"WHAT?!" Dipper shouted, "you're being ridiculous! You are just in a bad mood and taking it out on me!"

While Bill floated besides Dipper. He had started to really despise Dipper's mother as well, though he knew it wasn't his fight. As he had started to like Dipper more or less, he had considered not only using this human for a puppet.

Perhaps he could keep him around, like a puppy. Though for that to happen, he needed Dipper to start standing up for himself, preferably lose some sanity on the way as well so it would fit Bill's image.

So the demon just disappeared to watch the show from Dipper's mind.

"And no binder for the next few days," his mother added as the tears in Dipper's eyes were building up.

"B-But-..." He didn't know what to say, why was she doing this?

It seemed like his mom had read his mind as she said, "I'm doing this because I love you," her voice softened for once.

Dipper just shook his head, he didn't feel loved, he felt like she was torturing him on purpose. He stormed upstairs, quickly closing the door behind him as he laid on his bed, face burried in the pillow.

Why was she always doing this to him? Why was she like that? He felt the anger boil inside of him as his sobs died down.

Why did she always try to make it worse for him?

"Dipper?" A soft knock coming from his door got him to sit up and wipe his tears. Mabel was standing at his door.

"W-What?" Dipper sniffed, he always hated it when other people saw him cry. Unless Bill, Dipper didn't have anything against Bill seeing him cry.

Mabel sheepishly stepped inside the room, closing the door behind her. The silence thickened as the female twin sat down next to Dipper on the bed, still not uttering a word. Mabel was surprisingly quiet, and she was never quiet.

"What do you want?" Dipper didn't intend to sound as rude as he did, he just wanted to fall asleep and never wake up again.

Though Mabel didn't seem to notice the slight rudeness in Dipper's tone as she took a deep breath.

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