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Bill and Dipper have been around each other for over two months now, both of them getting close. Bill is quite afraid of that factor, he had never tried getting attached to anyone, let alone a human.

Though it is quite inevitable, being in Dipper's mind results in Bill getting to know the kid even more than Dipper knows himself, so even though they only have spend around two months together, it felt like much longer to both of them.


Bill POV

I was floating around Pinetree's room in slight distress. I don't know what this human is doing to me but I have started to... care!! And not about important stuff, but about him! What do I do? This wasn't the plan...

And I can't seem to convince the kid to run away either, whenever I mention it he says something like, "Bill, I am trying to survive here, running away is something that I do not plan on doing."

Which is honestly so annoying! What is holding him back?! Oh yeah, that manipulating mother of his. I mean, her manipulation is quite polished I gotta give her that, though it is in the way of my plans.

What should I even do? I think I first need to detach from Pinetree, even though he isn't as annoying as all the other meatsacks, our little "friendship" isn't benefiting me.

"Bill? Is there something bothering you?" Pinetree's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Nope! Don't worry about it, kid. Though I will need to go right now."

"Oh. Where are you going?"

"Nightmare realm." I answered. That was perhaps true, I still had access to the Nightmare realm and since I need to stay away from him for a while, there would be perfect.

And so I snapped my fingers and disappeared.

-----------------------------3rd Person POV

The demon disappeared and Dipper was left alone in his room. Dipper simply shrugged, it wasn't anything new for the demon to act weird, in fact, it would be a rare occasion if he acted normal.

And so Dipper went back to scrolling through the internet, that being his only escape from reality. It was almost peaceful like this, it had been awhile since Dipper was actually alone in his own mind.

"Deadname!" And so his peace was put to an end.

"Yes mom?" Dipper answered.

"Dinner is ready!"

The boy put his phone by his desk (he didn't want that to be taken away if his mother were in a bad mood), and headed downstairs. Mabel and his mother were already seated by the table. He sheepishly sat down by the table as well.

Mabel tried to spark a conversation but it wasn't going that well. While Dipper just stared at his food. He was hungry, though there was a voice in his head that kept convincing him not to touch the food.

Girl thighs, fat girl thighs, it kept repeating. Don't touch the food or else your thighs will stay thick and feminine.

"We are having guests tomorrow," his mother spoke up and turned towards him. "And you are wearing your binder again which means you are not wearing that tomorrow."

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