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The cave was dark and its walls damp. The waterfall hiding the entrance made the air inside humid. Other than the violent sound of water splashing outside, the only thing that could be heard were wet footsteps, echoing in the dark cave.

It had been hard to leave Alcor with his family, but Bill knew he would be able to handle himself for a bit. The brunette wasn't a child anymore after all.

Bill walked deeper into the tunnel, holding firmly around two small blue balls of glowing energy. He had been wounded after the fight with the Pines, he had gained the needed part of his powers, but it hadn't been easy.

He really hadn't been on his top game in that forest, and the Pines had arrived way before him and Alcor, giving them time to set up traps that Bill had no knowledge of.

But looking at the small, glowing ball of energy in his right hand, it looked like he had won that fight. The plan had been to devour his powers when he had all the pieces, but this couldn't wait.

He brought it up to his mouth and almost immediately, it went down his throat, like a magnet towards a piece of iron. The taste was sweet and warm, filling up every inch of his body.

His veins started to glow a soft blue color as well as the tattoos on his arm. The feeling was of true bliss. The feeling of finally feeling complete and at peace with every part of your own existence. Maybe that was what meatsacks strived to achieve with drugs and alcohol.

And as soon as it started, it was gone, leaving Bill a refreshing feeling, like he just shedded his skin and was now left with a new one.

He felt more powerful, a step closer to what he had been during the Weirdmageddon time.

Swallowing the other one was almost as good as the last, but he couldn't stand around celebrating his powers returning, he had plenty of work to do.

In fact, he came here for the sole reason of getting some of that work done. He had to summon an old friend for some help.


"Alcor, this would be a lot less difficult if you would cooperate," Ford almost begged. No answer. "Alcor, stop acting like a brat."

The only answer Ford got was a raised eyebrow from Alcor before the brunette turned his head away, which Ford translated to be, "you're not getting me to do anything with that attitude."

And Stanford groaned, feeling frustrated. "Okay, sorry for calling you a brat." Alcor smirked. "Now, would you tell me where Bill might be hiding?"

Alcor just shook his head, unwilling to betray the only family he had. And just as he did that, he felt a shiver going down his spine. It was a weird and out of nowhere feeling, but somehow Alcor knew, Bill had gotten his hands on at least one third of his powers.

Since Alcor was the one to revive Bill and the demon had spent so much time in his mind, they were still very strongly connected spiritually.

"What? What happened?" Ford also had enough knowledge to know that demons usually formed a spiritual bond with whoever would revive them, and he could see it in Alcor's eyes that something had happened.

But the brunette was stubborn, and Ford was just met with silence again.

"He has consumed a part of his powers, hasn't he?" Ford guessed, and by Alcor's look of surprise, he could tell he was right. "See! He is casually moving on with his plan while you are captured by the enemy, if that isn't a red flag I don't know what is."

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