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Warning! Slight sexual activity, blood and slight gore
Alcor POV

I was sitting on my bed in my room, the light was dimmed, perhaps it was also night but I couldn't get a good look on the window.

The covers of my bed were soft beneath my touch, made out of silk if I remember right. I slowly turned my head to the right, Bill was sitting besides me. What was he doing here?

He was smiling softly at me, like he was laughing at some joke I didn't get. His bright golden eyes staring down yet I didn't feel uncomfortable, if anything I felt safe. That's where letting a demon stare at you while you sleep almost every night for years gets ya I guess, I thought to myself.

It was like I was pulled towards him with a magnet, our faces soon only inches from each other. He placed a hand on my neck, pulling me towards him. Our lips touched, it was slow and hesitant before it turned more bold and eager.

He gently pushed me down on the bed as we were still making out and he eventually started to kiss me down my jaw and neck. I could feel my pants tightening in my crotch area and-


I woke up to the sound of my door being slammed open.

"Rise and shine, Pinetree!" Bill. I glared at him as he stepped closer. "Why so grumpy?"

"I don't know, maybe because you woke me up by destroying my do-" I stopped in my tracks as Bill sat down on my bed, the dream I had started to immediately set in, he was sitting in the exact place he had been in my dream.

My cheeks became flustered as I hid away in my sheets, that was also when I realized I had a boner. Fuck, shit, fuck, I cursed.

"Something wrong?" Bill tilted his head.

"N-No! I'm good, haha, yeah I'm fine," I stuttered.

Bill looked at me suspiciously and tried moving closer to which I backed away. "Your face is all red, are you sick?"

I could sense a slight panic in his voice. I can remember the first time I caught a cold after me and Bill started to live here, he was terrified.

I mean, I don't blame him, he's a demon after all and isn't really that informed on human illnesses, though I would've appreciated it if Bill hadn't acted like fourteen year old me had the Bubonic plague or something.

Though by how he had ran around the house in pure panic at the time tells me that he probably is proper traumatized by that event.

He afterwards laid a spell on my body and I rarely get sick now, though I'm not 100% immune against everything of course.

"I'm fine!" I repeated, this time a bit more stern. Couldn't he just please get out?

"Alright," he backed away, still having that suspicious look on his face. "Come downstairs and have breakfast once you're dressed."

And so he left, leaving me and my stupid erection alone. I sighed and blushed even harder at the thought of my previous dream. This couldn't be worse.

3rd person POV

After dressing up with a simply white tunic tucked into black pants, Alcor hurried down the stairs, he was starving.

Bill was already sitting by the table, reading some newspaper. Alcor let out a small laugh and sat by the table as well.

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