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Since my describing of how exactly Alcor's expressions look through this chapter is sucky, I'm using this meme above as help

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Since my describing of how exactly Alcor's expressions look through this chapter is sucky, I'm using this meme above as help.

He's mostly all the ones under B, and a bit of A3


She looked up immediately, probably expecting it to be Mabel, but once she realized it wasn't her, she raised an eyebrow.

"Hello," Alcor greeted awkwardly.

"Who are you?" she asked when he sat down next to her.

"I'm a friend of Mabel's, she asked me to bring you some tea," he placed one cup on the table and the other he took a small sip out of.

The woman looked suspiciously at the drink like it was supposed to be poisoned, to which Alcor rolled his eyes.

"I'm not trying to assassinate you," he said and she sighed as she picked up the cup.

"Sorry, I'm just... stressed out. My name is Christine, I'm Mabel's mother," her smile was polite, but nothing more than that, it was empty of any kind of affection.

It was like Alcor was playing a puppet show, entertaining absolutely nobody. His every move was carefully calculated, making sure she wouldn't recognize him, yet a small part of him was begging for her to do so.

Begging for her to prove that a real mother would be able to recognize her child no matter what, but he guessed she never was a real mother in the first place.

"I'm Alcor," they shook hands like strangers would do, and weren't just that? Strangers, no emotional attachment present since they had just met.

Oh, how Alcor wished it was like that.

"We met before, at Mabel's birthday party?" Alcor's smile would look just as hollow as his mother's at first glance, but if one were to take a closer look, the way he was clenching his jaw made it obvious that he was trying to hold back so many thing.

"Oh yeah, I remember," she spoke slowly as she eyed Alcor up and down, it was clear that she recognized him to some degree, but just not enough to know exactly from where it seemed like she knew him. "Do you work here or something?"

"I- er..." Alcor nervously looked around. "I just... I'm staying over for a bit because of money problems and taxes and stuff."

"Oh, I see," she took a sip form the tea. She hadn't changed much, just a few more wrinkles and maybe some white hairs here and there, otherwise she looked just the same.

Her cold and empty stare almost made Alcor feel like he was twelve again, chills ran down his spine.

The conversation was going painfully slow, what had Mabel even expected? What was Alcor supposed to do?

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