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Btw, I just wanted to say that like I'll
mostly refer to Dipper as "Alcor" from
now on as it's most fitting to the story
Though I'll also use "Dipper" sometimes
to refer to him,
He also still goes under the name "Dipper"
as a nickname, like in the actual show
where his real name is Mason but he mostly
uses Dipper but here it's kinda reversed.


Bill and the brunette had been living in the abandoned house for seven years now, little to no trace of Bill's powers. At first the demon had been worried and irritated, but soon calmed down when he figured out a way to return his powers.

He just needed Alcor to make a very powerful spell so he could forcefully take his powers back from Axolotl. Though that meant Alcor needed a lot of practice, and his small preteen body wouldn't have been able to perform such magic, so Bill was patient and waited till Alcor would grow a bit older.

And now, the human being twenty years old, the time was perfect.

They didn't interact with any of the townsfolk often, in fact, they only showed themselves whenever they needed to go buy some food.

Before they would just often eat at Greasy's Diner, but eventually people started to get nosey and whisper everytime they entered the diner, so they just decided to leave the house as rarely as possible.

So, the townsfolk just started to make up stories and legends about them, some said that Bill was a magical being, while Alcor was an abandoned soul that was cursed to follow the demon.

Others meant that both of them were dead and were spirits of the forest. These stories were mostly used to scare small children into not going too deep in the woods, and both Alcor and Bill couldn't care less about the folklore these meatsacks would tell each other about them.

Alcor POV

"I'm going to the store!" I announced as I took my shoes on.

"Alright, Pinetree," Bill replied from the living room.

Today was the 29th July, exactly three days from the date I originally planned on going to the store. We don't have a money problem because of Bill's powers to say the least, so I would usually go shopping either alone or with Bill once a month, buying all the food we needed and then just stay in the forest.

But I just couldn't handle the tension in the house anymore. There was... an incident, between me and Bill a few days ago.

We had grown close over the years, which was only expected, though the event of that night had totally messed with my head.

It was a normal evening, we were watching a movie when I decided to go to bed.

Even though years had passed since my last meeting with any family members, nightmares still haunt me pretty often. And that night was worse than usual.

I had woken up in cold sweat and decided to go downstairs, looking for Bill. He was still sitting on the couch, watching some horror film. I remember I was really tired and just sat down next to him, the blankets from my bed still wrapped around me.

"Can't sleep?" He had asked and I shook my head.


"I see," he was familiar with my sleep issues. Without noticing it, I fell asleep on his shoulder, and we both fell asleep cuddling.

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