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Also btw, some of this chapter actually happened
to me at school once lmaoo *laughs in trauma*


Dipper POV

"Pinetree~," the voice was faint and soft. "Pinetree, wake up,"

I pulled the blankets over my head, groaning at the fact my body was starting to awaken.

"Pinetree, you're gonna be late," Bill was hovering over me and backed away as I sat up in my bed. "Aren't you supposed to be at that human thing? Y'know, school?"

"School?" I reached for my phone laying on my nightstand. "Bill, it's Sunda- MONDAY?!" I read the word over and over in my head to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.


"WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP SOONER?!" I almost fell out of bed started putting some random pants on and a hoodie.

"Now, why would I do that?" Bill was leaning on the wall while smirking at my struggle. "I wouldn't wanna miss your panicked little stumbling around"

"I hate you," I said.

"Sure you do," Bill just grinned.

3rd person POV

Dipper got to school without missing the bus and both him and his twin headed towards their classroom together.

Bill floated behind Dipper silently. Before new year, Dipper didn't really want Bill to come with him at school. Probably because the demon was fairly distracting and Bill really didn't mind that, he just kind of stayed in the deepest parts of Dipper's mind so he wouldn't notice him.

Though after Christmas break, Dipper gave permission to Bill to just stay around him. And it was going great, it was already the end of March and Dipper liked it a lot more to have Bill around.

He was always kinda there but at the same time not, and since Dipper had always liked being left alone but not feeling alone, and Bill was perfect for that job.

"What class did we have now?" Mabel asked as the twins seated themselves by their desks.

"History I'm pretty sure," Dipper answered as he pulled his notebook out of his backpack.

"Ughhh I'm not even near done with the homework!" Mabel whined.

"What have you been doing all weekend?" Dipper asked.

"Other homework."



"You haven't finished anything have you?"

"...Why is school so hard?!" Mabel placed her head against the desk.

Soon the teacher came in and the class started.


"Stab him," Bill repeated for the 100th time.

I can't stab him, Bill, and Dipper replied the same thing he had the first time Bill had suggested the violent "solution".

The whole class was in the middle of watching some documentary film that the teacher put up, and a kid sitting behind Dipper was pulling his hair.

"Hey," the kid pulled Dipper's hair once again. "What's your name?"

Dipper sighed. "Deadname."

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