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Alcor was pacing back and forth in his cell. How much did he actually know about Bill?

"Okay, let's start with the easy stuff," Alcor told himself. "He is tall, blonde, cocky, dick size... around seven inches, a very sore loser at poker, and... what else... oh yeah! He's also pretty gay."

His pacing suddenly came to a stop as he frowned his brows. "Actually, he could be on the bi spectrum or something. Maybe pansexual? Yeah, he does seem like a person who would shove his dick in whoever. No, wait, do demons even have sexualities...?"

Alcor placed a hand under his chin as he fell silent.

Okay, no, that doesn't matter, he at last decided and shook his head.

The brunette was going through a crisis, Bill never really mentioned why he had to go under a fake name and how come these people knew so much about him.

Alcor and Bill were close, but they mostly were because Bill knew so much about Alcor, the human didn't even know if "Bill" was his boyfriend's real name.

The only information about Bill he had was the things he had witnessed him do while he was around. Of course, because they spend so much time together, Alcor had much of Bill's personality figured out, but Bill hadn't told him anything willingly.

Now that Alcor thought about it, he couldn't imagine Bill sitting him down to talk about his own family or past. 

Did he even really know Bill?

As his fingers were about to start drawing blood because he had been biting them, Alcor heard the door open. He quickly turned his head to see Ford walking in,

His movements were hesitant and awkward as he took a chair and sat in front of Alcor's cell. Alcor raised an eyebrow and looked him up and down, waiting for an explanation to what he wanted.

Stanford fidgeted with his fingers and they both just existed in the awkward silence for a bit, before he sighed. "Look, I'm gonna be honest, Mabel made me come down here and talk to you."

"Aha," Alcor nodded slowly. "Thank you, Stanford, I enjoy your company too."

"Can you stop with the sarcasm? I'm trying my best here."

"Oh, sorry, am I tempting you to kill me? Or perhaps paralyze me? Or maybe try a new gun on me, see what it does," Alcor gave him a forced smile.

Ford opened his mouth to say something before closing it again. He pinched the bridge of his nose and wondered how much time Alcor had spent with Bill for their behaviors to be so much alike. "God, you are just like him."

Alcor then suddenly froze, a deja vú playing in front of his eyes.

"YOU'RE JUST FUCKING LIKE HIM!" her voice was loud and fragile in a weird way, reminding Alcor of the sound of glass breaking.

He flinched, when he remembered what came next in the memory. A plate had been thrown his way, shattering on the floor as he had hurried up to his room.

The memory took place just a few months after the divorce and a fight between him and his mother went out of hand.

"-cor? Alcor?" Ford's voice made Alcor realize that he was shaking.

"Hm? No, yeah, I'm fine," Alcor shook his head. He needed to remind himself that he wasn't there anymore, he was safe. Caged up, but somewhat safe. "You were saying?"

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