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Hey everyone, just a slight TW!! FOR MANIPULATION AND GASLIGHTING!!

3rd Person POV

The demon patiently floated around as he waited for the twins to come back from school. More specifically the male twin. It had been around two weeks since Bill had shown Dipper his presence and Bill had to be honest, the kid was really nice to be around.

Bill had managed to muster up power enough to break the tie between Mabel's mind and him, though because his form was currently so weak he still needed a subconscious mind to be tied to, or else he would become too weak.

So, he naturally turned to Dipper who was surprisingly quick to agree on sharing his mind with a demon.

"Just don't look through it too much, and if you find anything weird or embarrassing then just please ignore it and don't bring it up because it will keep me up at night," Dipper had said when Bill had asked about it, to which Bill had just laughed.

"Pinetree, I think I have seen more twisted and weird things than your mind," He had assured and so Dipper gave Bill the permission to share his mind.

Usually Bill didn't quite need permission to get into other people's minds but now he was too weak to break in forcefully like he usually did, so he was relieved that Dipper had agreed. While the relationship Bill and Dipper had was pretty chill.

Bill would often just hang around his own corner in Dipper's mindscape, sometimes coming out just to check up on what Dipper was doing and they would chat. Bill had slowly started to form a soft spot for the human, but that he would never admit.

Bill heard the front door open and teleported to there to see if Dipper was finally home. Bill and Dipper had agreed that the demon would just stay at home and wait for him to come back from school since Bill would just be too bored at a human school and Dipper preferred Bill staying out of his mind when he needed to concentrate since the demon could be quite distracting.

"Welcome back, Pinetree," Bill greeted as the brunette took off his shoes. He was wearing his usual pine tree hat with his hair tucked in it, though because he had been wearing it all day some of the hair strands were visible.

"Tired," Dipper just muttered back and started going up the stairs, dragging his backpack behind him. "My back hurts from this fucking torture tool I have on named binder."


"The thing that flattens out my chest."

"Ohh, for how long are you supposed to wear it?"

"Eight hours, though I am taking it off now and my mom also takes it every second day for some reason. She thinks that's needed, apparently," Dipper walked up the stairs and stood in front of his room.

"You and your mom's relationship really needs working, huh," Bill pointed out.

"You think?" Dipper said sarcastically as he opened the door. Inside his room, on the bed sat his mother with a not so satisfied expression on her face. Bill disappeared, he assumed Dipper probably wouldn't want him around right now.

Dipper's shoulders immediately tensed as he slowly closed the door behind him and let go of his backpack, leaving it by the door. He felt like walking on eggshells as he searched for words he could possibly say.

His mom didn't look happy, but not quite mad either.

"Sit down," Her voice was calm, yet slightly unsettling. Dipper did as he was told and turned his chair around to face his mother before sitting down on it. "How was your day at school?"

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