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The two were sitting at Greasy's Diner, Dipper munching on pancakes while Bill was stirring some tea with his magic, the small spoon moving around the cup gracefully.

Dipper was a bit surprised nobody asked questions when a tall man with an eye patch and a tailcoat walked in with a half naked dirty child, but nobody really said anything last time they were here as well, so Dipper just choose not to pay attention to that fact.

He would also soon get to know that a newly revived dream demon and a child criminal were probably one of the most normal things in this town.

"I thought your powers had been taken away?" Dipper pointed out as he noticed the floating sugar Bill was putting in his tea.

"I still have some of my powers, just not enough to overtake planets and dimensions, that's all. I'll probably get my powers back soon, I just need to prove that I'm not a 'menace to society' anymore," Bill said and took a sip of his tea.

"And how will we hide that you're a menace to society?"

"I guess I need to take a break from killing and committing crimes in general for a while."

"Sounds good to me," Dipper said. After everything that happened this week he definitely needed a break, to say the least.

As the two enjoyed their breakfast, suddenly the TV in one of the corners of the diner was turned up.

"Two men have been reported missing since Tuesday. They had not shown up to work that day, stated their manager and their families are very worried, if any of the listeners today have any information about their whereabouts contact the police immediately," a brown haired woman spoke from the TV. Two photos were shown which Dipper recognized to be the men who had taken him from his previous home.

"Oh no," Dipper muttered. The last thing he needed right now was to be announced missing in front of ten other people that had seen his face.

But as the woman went on, Dipper didn't hear his deadname be mentioned once when she spoke in detail of the two missing men.

"Turn that shit down! It's the only thing all over the news for the past week, nobody cares!" A man grumbled.

Dipper frowned slightly. His mom would always keep up with the news, there wasn't a single important event happening in the country that she would miss, which meant she had probably seen the news already.

And yet, there was no missing report surrounding him on the news even fifteen minutes after the news lady finished talking about the missing men.

Dipper's shoulders slumped and he looked down on his plate. He knew his mother must've stopped caring about him the moment she agreed to send him to conversion therapy, though there had still been a small voice in Dipper's head telling him that she still cared, even a little bit.

And even though he knew it would hurt more if he didn't accept it sooner, it was still too hard to admit for himself that his own mother had neglected him for real this time, so he decided to lie to himself.

She probably thinks I ended up at the conversion therapy somehow, she'll probably start to get concern after three years since that was how long I was meant to stay there, he told himself.

Bill frowned. He knew that Dipper would have a hard time separating from his family, but he was convinced that after what his mother had done Dipper would easily cut emotional ties with that woman.

//Freak// *Trans Dipper AU*Where stories live. Discover now