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Have this fuffy, slightly bit angsty but full of BillDip, chapter✌😗


Bill and Alcor had spend a lot of time with the Pines for the last few days, Ford insisted that he needed to do some testing on the energy ball before they went out to look for the rest of Bill's powers, while Mabel had been acting really weird around Alcor.

She would give him weird looks, and Alcor would occasionally catch her staring at him. It was obvious she had started to suspect things, and he was getting pretty worried, to say the least.

Now Alcor, Bill, and Mabel were sitting in the living room. Mabel's birthday was coming up, so Alcor and Bill needed to distract her while Ford and Stan were out buying the things for the celebration.

But they basically needed to do nothing, as Mabel already was distracted enough by the conversation she was having on the phone.

"Yeah... no, yeah totally... I'm sure it'll be fine," Alcor could tell by the way her voice trembled slightly that she wasn't sure it would be fine.

Bill was just sitting on the couch watching whatever was on the TV, minding his own business and was completely unbothered by whatever Mabel was doing. But for Alcor it wasn't so simple.

Mabel and Alcor had been through a lot together.

Starting with needing to babysit their own drunk dad since the age of eight, then needing to watch and be a part of their parents' nasty divorce by around the age of barely ten, and of course needing to handle the damage that was left after the divorce.

Alcor had always tried to play the big brother, even though they were the same age, since he always got called the "mature one" of the two, it kind of put pressure on him.

And seeing his dear sister cry was the worst thing elementary school Alcor could imagine happening, so he did play the parent of Mabel whenever their real parents didn't have time.

He eventually started to feel responsible for Mabel's happiness, a habit he still hadn't gotten rid off.

"What's wrong?" Alcor asked when Mabel ended the call.

She seemed surprised to see him, she had probably even forgotten that he was in the room. "N-Nothing, it's fine."

Alcor tilted his head. "I'll totally respect it if it's something personal and you don't want to tell me, though I'm here if you need to talk."

Shut up, shut up, shut up!! Alcor yelled at himself. He didn't need to get more involved into things that simply weren't his business.

"Well..." Mabel fidgeted with the end of her sleeve, something Alcor knew she did when she was anxious. "My mother wants to come by for my birthday, and she's bringing my stepfather and stepbrother."

The world shattered in Alcor's eyes.

"W-WHAT?!" He choked out and Bill, who had been listened to the whole conversation from the couch, also turned his head in surprise.

Mabel's eyes widened a bit at Alcor's reaction before he calmed himself down and cleared his throat. "I-I mean, go on."

Alcor pushed down the confusion, shock, slight sense of betrayal, and the other ball of emotions that he felt at the moment, and decided to keep it cool.

"Yeah, so my mom's coming, and my relationship with her hasn't been great lately. I know she's trying her best and stuff, but it's still so weird," Mabel said. "And she's bringing that kid too! Not that I have anything against Charlie, he's surprisingly not that annoying for a four-year-old, but it's still strange."

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