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It was cold and dark, Mabel's least favorite things. She didn't know where she was, but as soon as she started to wake up, she felt a sharp pain in her ankle.

"Shh, stay still," she opened her eyes and saw Alcor sit in front of her, his hands glowing as he stared at her ankle with a focused glare. He was muttered something under his breath she couldn't hear.

"Crap that hurts," Mabel pointed out before the real pain started to set in. "Okay, okay, that REALLY hurts haha GOD OWW!"

"Stay still, Mabel!" The second Alcor pulled his hands away, her ankle started to hurt even more.

"Okay, alright, okay sorry please continue," her voice was rushed and panicked.

Alcor put his hands above Mabel's ankle again, and the pain slowly starting to fade, but it still hurt nonetheless. The female twin decided to start paying attention to their surroundings in a try to distract herself from the pain.

They were in some hole in the ground, at least 30 foot deep. This must've been some sort of trap for whatever animal people were trying to hunt, they were honestly lucky the only damage caused to them was maybe a sprained ankle.

"There, how does it feel?" Alcor backed away.

Mabel carefully wiggled her foot, it felt like normal.

"Thank you," she muttered.

It was quiet and tense, so many things they needed to speak about that nobody knew where to begin.

"No problem," Alcor stood up and sighed. Knowing him, he was probably examining their situation for the hundredth time, only to soon come to the conclusion- "It's no use, I doubt there is any way climbing the walls without falling and injuring ourselves severally, while I don't have much magic left, and the little bit I have left we'll need once Bill starts looking for us, so I can send him a signal."

"How're so sure he'll come?" Mabel felt slightly hurt by how close her brother and the demon who tried to killed her were. "And since when can you do all this magic stuff?"

"Okay, one, I've been learning magic for around eight years now, and two, Bill wouldn't leave me," there wasn't a single trace of doubt in Alcor's voice, it was like he was pointing out the most obvious thing.

Silence filled between them again. Alcor could smell the curiosity off of Mabel. It did interest him what exactly she would ask him first. "Where have you been?" Or maybe, "How are you alive?" Or even, "How could you do this to our family?!"

But that didn't matter, because Alcor wasn't going to answer any of those questions. No, he was going to stay calm and keep his composure up, not letting any emotion get in the way.

This was purely business, even though it was something quite personal, Alcor wouldn't treat it as such, any conversation they would have in this stupid hole in the ground would be in a settled polite manner.

He wouldn't panic, he wasn't the person who left their household, he isn't as vulnerable as before. He's a twenty year old man for Axolotl's sake! He would handle this like a grown u-

"We need to talk," as soon as those words left Mabel's mouth Alcor panicked.

"Yes, we do," Alcor turned around on his heels to face Mabel who was still sitting on the ground. He wasn't going to let his guard down.

Mabel was taken back by Alcor's response, perhaps she was confused, she knew what she meant when she said that they needed to talk and so did Alcor, but she hadn't thought about the possibility that Alcor also was willing to have this conversation.

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