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Y'all aren't prepared for this


The apocalypse had started merely a few minutes ago, but there was no doubt Bill knew what he was doing. As soon as Alcor stepped out from the front door, the hot, thick air filled his lungs and made him cough.

And he could also see why the temperatures had risen so drastically, everything was on fire. Animals were fleeing to somewhere safer as their homes had been burned down, and even from where the shack was, Alcor could hear the screams of people in town.

The sky was red and in the middle, right where the sun used to be, was a big rift, growing bigger and bigger.

"Fuck," Alcor cursed under his breath, and just as he was about to set off to look for Bill, something else caught his attention.

The door behind him slammed open and there stood none other than his sister, keys in hand. "Mabel?"

"We have to hurry." She didn't waste any time and started walking, and Alcor just followed suit because of several reasons.

The main one being the fact that he had to admit, he had no idea what he was doing. How would he be able to stop this madness? Who did he have to speak to? Bill, of course, but where on earth would be find him?

Mabel on the other hand, seemed more than prepared. It was clear that she was scared too, don't get me wrong, she knew that the chance of them dying was through the roof, but there was something in her behavior that Alcor's lacked, she wasn't confused.

She was experienced in this shit, which Alcor couldn't decide was a thing he should be worried or grateful for.

"Where're we going?!" Alcor needed to raise his voice for Mabel to hear him through all this chaos.

She didn't need to answer his question as they now stood in front of a white car. Certainly not Stan or Ford's.

That was when it hit him. "We're taking mom's car?!"

And Mabel just turned towards him and deadpanned. "Alcor, it's the end of the world, get in the car."

The male twin obeyed as he didn't really have any other ideas. They both rushed in the car and Mabel started the engine.

"Do you know how to drive?" Alcor asked. Mabel's answer would determine if Alcor cared enough to take a seatbelt on or not.

Mabel bit her lip and stayed silent for a few seconds as she just stared ahead. "...There's a first time for everything, right?" Yup, seatbelt on it is.

Mabel then pulled out and drove towards town. Other than the small earthquakes that would occasionally tip the car to one side and almost turn it upside down, the ride wasn't as bad at Alcor thought it would be.

Sure, they were going like 100 miles per hour and he felt his soul leave his body everytime Mabel took a turn, but they weren't dead.

"Look for him at the top of the buildings, he should be somewhere high up," Mabel said. "Usually spells about opening portals to another dimension are done in a clear space close to the sky."

"You seem weirdly educated on this matter," Alcor pointed out as he directed his stare out the window, looking for a certain blonde.

"Yeah, Bill tried causing the end of the world a few years ago and I so happened to be in Gravity Falls while that took place so... You could say I know what I'm doing," Mabel turned her head to smiled awkwardly at Alcor.

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