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The slight shake of the bed that Dipper was laying in awoke him. Well, not a bed since as he became aware of his own body positioning, he realized he was sitting. Maybe a chair?

Slowly opening his eyes, Dipper realized he wasn't in any bed or chair at all. He was in a car, which explained the shake that had awakened him, it must've been the vehicle driving over bumps in the road.

Speaking of said road, they seemed to be driving through a thick forest in a mountainous area. Dipper glanced at the front of the car where the radio was playing.

In the corner of the radio was the date and time.

"1st April," Dipper whispered. Dipper guessed it had been around 24 hours since last time he was in his bed, and judging by the fact the clock also read 01:41 AM, Dipper's guess might've been pretty accurate.

"Shh," Dipper turned his head to see Bill sitting next to him. "Don't speak, they'll hear you." The demon nodded towards the two men sitting in the front of the car.

Where the hell am I? Dipper thought, relying on the fact Bill will read his mind like usual.

"Outskirt of Oregon, they're taking you towards northern Idaho apparently," Bill said.

Why? Where's mom?

"She is the last one you want to speak to right now, trust me."


"She uh... How do I say this?" Bill pinched the bridge of his nose. He wasn't good with humans so he tried his best with Dipper, but it was still hard. "Your mom sold you off to these men, kid."

Bill could see Dipper's world shatter in the boy's eyes. First an expression of surprise which quickly turned to disbelief, which also didn't last long as tears soon filled his eyes, and at last that storm of emotions washed away in Dipper's face as he locked it behind a tight door in his mind to keep his sanity.

And now, he was feeling numbness.

Bill gulped, being around Dipper for so long had only resulted in the demon getting attached, and now he had a desire to help (which he had tried to get rid of multiple times) whenever Dipper was feeling sad.

Perhaps it was because Bill felt like Dipper was the only being who had ever been this close to him, or perhaps it was because now that Bill was connected to Dipper's mind for so long he could almost feel the brunette's emotions as his own and vise versa.

He hoped it was the second option, that would make it easier.

"The kid's awake," one of the men sitting in the front passenger seat elbowed the one in the driver's seat.

The driver glanced towards Dipper through the mirror but Dipper just kept staring straight ahead, he looked like a shell of a human.

The man staring at him through the mirror shuddered.

"I think something is really wrong with this one," he said like Dipper couldn't hear him.

"Creepy," the other one added.

The next thing happened so quickly that Dipper's mind could barely process his own movements.

White hot rage had washed over the feeling of numbness, he then saw an empty beer bottle in the car door and without thinking he grabbed the glass container and smashed it on the driver's head.

//Freak// *Trans Dipper AU*Where stories live. Discover now