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Okay so hello everyone!

Idek if anyone will see this-

but anyway!

So, I've been gone for... a year, nearly (maybe even more I honestly don't know)

Many of you are just here to hear when I'll post the new chapter, which is fair, so if you don't rlly care ab the reason I've been gone then that's fair enough and you can skip the next two-three paragraphs, I just feel like I owe it to you guys to give you some sort of explanation.

As for those who are interested in me and why I've just been gone for the past year, here's your explanation. So, when I started this account, I was at my worst mentally. Like literally this fic was just me projecting my mental state through Dipper honestly. Writing was my escape. And then, in the fall of 2021 (which I think was around the time I disappeared) things got very bad very quickly.

I'm not gonna go into details, but then things started being better around November 2021, before going to absolute shit at the start of 2022. By then, I had decided to take a break from Wattpad. I didn't know for how long, I just knew that I needed to distance myself from everything so I could focus on my mental health and all my other problems.

For the rest of the year 2022, things actually got... good. They were great. They are great. Like honestly, everything got better. And that was when I remembered this fic. I never thought it would gain even half the attention it got, and I left it on a pretty shitty cliffhanger-

So, about the update, I'm thinking of posting the last chapter before Christmas. Half the chapter is already written, but I just didn't rlly know how to deliver it in a way people would like it (I still don't lmaoo), but I will write the last bit and post it.

I honestly don't know if I want to keep this account. I had considered many times to just delete all my fics and my account randomly and just disappear, but I want to at least finish this.

I like writing, I always have and still do, but I don't know if I like writing... fanfics anymore, honestly.

So, basically, the plan is finishing this fic before Christmas/New Years, then I'll see if I want to post more on this account.

Thank you all for reading my fic as well as this note<3

//Freak// *Trans Dipper AU*Where stories live. Discover now