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As soon as Bill and Alcor knocked on the door, it was flung open, and on the other side stood Mabel, with confetti in her hair and a huge grin on her face.

"You guys came!" She gave both of them a hug. "Come inside, there's cake. A lot of cake."

Stepping inside, Alcor took note of how different this was from the other part Mabel hosted. It had fewer people, probably only those who Mabel was close to, and there was no alcohol.

The music wasn't that loud either, making it bearable to be inside without going deaf.

"Come, I gotta introduce you to someone," Mabel grabbed Alcor by the wrist who reached out to Bill, not wanting to be left alone without his token loud friend (well, more like boyfriend now) so he had to socialize.

But Mabel was going too fast, and Alcor lost Bill in the crowd.

She soon stopped dragging him in front of a redhead. Alcor felt like he had seen her before, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Alcor, this is Wendy. Wendy, this is my friend Alcor! He is very nice, I'm sure you'll get along," Mabel smiled.

"H-Hi," Alcor greeted.

"Sup," Wendy greeted him back. She was there with another boy, a bit taller than her with black, long-ish hair and eyeliner.

Alcor stared at him for a few seconds, he also seemed like he didn't really want to be there. As soon as he caught Alcor staring, he wrapped an arm around Wendy and glared.

"What're you looking at?" He spat.

"Nothing," Alcor replied in a cold tone. He hated socializing, so he would usually just act rude so people would leave him alone, and now he didn't know how else to act.

"I don't like that guy, he's weird," the black haired boy whispered to Wendy but Alcor clearly heard it.

"Robbie!" Wendy elbowed the guy who was obviously named Robbie.

"Don't worry about it Alcor, Robbie is a bit cold when you first meet him, but he's a real sweetheart, I promise," Mabel smiled.

"Aha," Alcor nodded slowly as he eyed Robbie up and down. "Real sweetheart, I can see."

"A-Anyways," Mabel sensed that the two weren't getting along. "Come, let me introduce you to some of my other friends!"

Alcor was then quickly dragged away once again, this time towards a small group of girls. Two of them were chatting, while one of them seemed a bit more quiet, but she also looked like she was having fun.

"This is Grenda," Mabel nodded towards a taller, and more buff looking girl. "That's Candy," she nodded towards the girl with black hair and glasses. "And that Pacifica!" The last one was a girl with blonde hair and icy blue eyes.

Alcor quickly recognized her from Mabel's other party, she looked sober this time though.

"Guys, this is Alcor! Alcor, these are my best friends," Mabel grinned.

"Hello," Alcor greeted once again.

"Hi!" Grenda said and smiled.

All of them started to chat again, and Alcor actually didn't feel too bad, this party actually seemed pretty nice.

As they talked and had fun, suddenly Mabel gasped. "They're here!"

"Who's here?" Everyone but Alcor seemed to know.

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