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"Mabel?!" shouting was heard from right above them.

Both of the twins' eyes widened as they stared at each other before turning their heads towards the sky. Mabel inhaled a peaceful and happy breath, they were finally getting out of here.

While the breaths Alcor was taking were more like hyperventilation, he was screwed.

"Grunkle Stan! Fo-" before Mabel could call out for help, Alcor laid a hand over her mouth.

"What are you doing?!" he hushed.

"They can get us out of here," Mabel removed Alcor's hand.

"They can get you out of here," Alcor pointed out.

"Alcor, they're-"

"Family?" he finished Mabel's sentence. "Dad was family too, though I don't think he would be the first person you would call for help, would it?"

Mabel stayed silent.

"For me, the only family I have is Bill, everyone else is out to hurt me one way or another. And in my experience, it has been specially people who I would previously call family," Alcor didn't think about his words when saying them, that was perhaps why the expression Mabel made once she heard that took him by surprise.

"What about me?" her voice was careful and hopeful, yet there was slight hesitation in her question.

And that was a good question indeed, what about her? Through the whole time Alcor had been going through hell and back with their mother, she had been as present as the man they once called father.

Though even then he realized he couldn't really blame her that much, she was experiencing emotional neglect as painful as the one he was, but just in a different way.

Their mother had always been so busy with putting Alcor down, that Mabel only served as a trophy for her to show off, for her to show she at least had one "good kid".

That must've been really traumatizing for her too, to be used only as an object not only by her father but mother as well.

Alcor would never forget the time they were spending over at their father's and he had invited some of his friends over, something he did frequently whenever he didn't want to be drunk alone.

When that happened, Alcor was quick to pull Mabel away, but the damage had been done.

He was sure that the way they would look at Mabel whenever she wore her skirts was tattooed into her young brain, and after that one time one of the men asked Mabel to sit on his lap while he stroked her thighs, Mabel never wore skirts whenever they were at their dad's ever again.

That was luckily around the time where their mother was already fighting for full custody, and they never had to experience that again, but Alcor was sure she wouldn't forget that moment any time soon.

But yet that didn't really excuse her behavior when it came to him. He was always there for her, while whenever he needed a shoulder to cry on, she would escape to a friend's house.

He was sure that had been some form of escapism Mabel had formed, but if they wanted their relationship to have a good new start, the least Mabel could do was to take accountability for her actions.

"Mabel, our relationship is better than what it was a few hours ago, but we still have a long way to go," and Mabel nodded, agreeing even though she seemed hurt.

//Freak// *Trans Dipper AU*Where stories live. Discover now