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It was Alcor's first time teleporting across such big distance, and as soon as him and Bill stood in front of their door, his knees grew weak and he dropped to the ground.

It was like going on a rollercoaster, chaotic and fast, yet he could imagine it being fun if he had been prepared for it, though right now he felt like he was about to throw up.

He felt a hand lay on his shoulder, offering balance.

"I-I'm fine," he muttered as he stood back up.

"Pinetree, I am still connected to your mind which allows me to see what you're feeling, I know that you aren't," Bill simply stated, and he was right. Of course he was.

And Alcor just stared at the ground in front of him. He was in a numb state of mind where he could either break down completely or choose to ignore his feelings regarding the situation and go rationally about this.

He gained his composure, and took a deep breath. "My head fucking hurts from all of this," he said. "Let's just go inside."


They didn't talk about the accident in the hay maze, it wasn't needed, in Alcor's opinion. And Bill didn't push him to, he knew that if he did the only thing he would achieve would be to be pushed away anyways.

They also had some other issues to think about, like the fact they only had one third of Bill's powers and now they had to race to find the last piece, while also trying to steal the other piece that Ford possessed.

While Bill hadn't consumed the part of his magic that they did have, which was the snow globe. He had said that it would be best to do so when they had all his power so he could do it at once.

Now the kids' toy sat on a nightstand by Alcor's bed, looking like a completely normal item other than the fact it was giving off a small blue glow in the dark.

"We need to start looking for your powers as soon as possible," Alcor had said. "Tell me immediately if you feel where the next location might be."

And today, Bill had sensed something, this time towards southern Oregon, around the borders going towards California. It had barely been a week since the quite traumatic accident with Mabel, but Alcor honestly just wanted to move on.

He wanted to finally start that damn apocalypse Bill had been promising him since he was twelve.


She watched from the car window as they drove through similar roads surrounded by trees. The brunette was exhausted, she had gotten less than four hours of sleep every day for a week and everything was just a mess.

"You okay, sweetie?" Stan's voice made Mabel look up from the window.

"I-I'm fine," Mabel mumbled.

"The trip will most likely be long, you can get some sleep if you want," Ford suggested.

"That... does not sound like a bad idea," and so the hard, leather car seats didn't seem so bad after all.

Mabel's dream

She was surrounded by darkness, yet she could still see her own body. The silence drowning out any sound and the place not illuminating the slightest bit of light.

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