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The night terrors repeated themselves every night after Dipper and his mother would fight, which was almost every day, so Dipper quickly needed to get used to less than six hours of sleep.

The nightmares were almost all the same, Dipper was somewhere with his mother, sometimes Mabel was there too but the only thing she would do was to stare at whatever was happening and then disappear (which wasn't too inaccurate to what she would usually do in real life as well), and his mother would get violent somehow, and it would all end with Dipper taking his mother's life.

The only positive thing going on in Dipper's life was Bill. The tall, yellow demon was like a safe heaven for Dipper. Whenever everything would become too much, Bill would suggest to get away from the house and go to the forest.

Well, not really forest since it was only a small park, but there were never people in it so it worked fine.

Of course his mother would protest often and wouldn't let him go outside sometimes, but Bill fixed that problem pretty quickly as well by suggesting crawling out the window.

Bill wasn't the best influence a kid should have. He had as many healthy coping mechanisms as Dipper, so zero, but the way Bill coped with his overwhelming anger or sadness would be violence, which was better than what Dipper usually went to.

But when Bill tried to teach Dipper to cope with everything by violence, it didn't go very well. So, Bill settled on distraction.

Everytime Dipper's mother would do anything that was mentally or emotionally harm him, Bill would distract him and keep him from having a breakdown. Though soon he ran out of illusions he could show Dipper, so he started to teach the brunette how to make his own illusions.

Turns out Dipper had a talent for magic, and teaching him was easy. 


It was Christmas eve, and the Pines' neighbors were probably about to file a complaint.

"Why can't you just act normal?!" She raised her tone.

Dipper was shaking on his bed, not daring to look up at his mother. He had tried to hold back the tears, but it wasn't working.

He was hyperventilating and in the middle of a panic attack but his mother didn't seem to care.

"C-Can you please g-get out?" Dipper's voice was faint and shaky. He just needed some time alone.

"For what? So you can cut yourself and whine alone like a little baby?" That had overstepped the line, and his mother quickly noticed that.

She gulped, and Dipper's face started to feel irritated from all the salty tears.

"P-Please, I-I-"

"You're not doing anything to get better! No matter what happens, you always go to extremely toxic measurements, and that's concerning," she stated. "I am doing my best but you need to also take some steps towards a better future yourself!"

"I-I am t-trying," Dipper sobbed.

"How?! How're you trying!?" She yelled.

"I'M D-DOING BETTER! IT IS BETTER T-THAN HOW IT WAS B-BEFORE!" That wasn't a lie, before Bill came in Dipper's life, the brunette's mental health would be much, much worse.

//Freak// *Trans Dipper AU*Where stories live. Discover now