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Bill stared out the car window, his arm wrapped around Alcor's shoulders as the human leaned on Bill's side and slept peacefully. They were currently in a car with Stan, Mabel, and Ford.

Even though there had been some difficulties for these past few days, the search for Bill's powers must continue.

His powers would most likely be split up in three parts, so they had two more to go, and he had sensed something around the west coast of Oregon, so here they were.

Though the demon could not enjoy this otherwise peaceful moment as there were several things troubling his mind.

You see, he always had a plan, he was always prepared, even if it didn't seem like it sometimes, and he always was at least five steps ahead of everyone, yet he had no idea what the hell he was doing right now.

I mean, Bill Cipher had his boyfriend asleep on his shoulder while on a road trip, for Axolotl's sake!

And as soon as he got his powers back, other powerful creatures would be able to sense his presence and track him down once again. He had countless of enemies, after all.

Not that any of them were powerful enough to beat him, but now he had a human to protect. It was so ridiculous, how did he even end up in this tangled mess of a situation in the first place?!

But looking down at Alcor who was sleeping calmly besides him like he did not have a care in the world, made Bill realize he was not regretting meeting the human or having whatever he had with him.

Though that didn't make him less afraid. It was only a matter of time before Alcor would be exposed to the world Bill had chosen to live in. To the danger, to all the enemies that would watch Alcor's every step, to all the sleepless nights, the human would probably spend with panic attacks and overthinking about how to stay away from all these dangers.

Bill could see it now, he would just push another one of his loved ones into insanity. He would lose yet again someone important to him just because he was... well, Bill Cipher, god of chaos.

Not that he could even remember the people he had lost because of the danger that comes with being friends or really having any kind of relationship with Bill Cipher, he had lived in eons after all, there wasn't a chance he would remember all the people he interacted with.

But he did remember the pain of losing somebody, even though he couldn't remember who that somebody was, and then the loneliness of being all alone against the world once again.

His grip around Alcor tightened as he gulped. Sometimes, being a meatsack seemed so much easier.

"Are you okay, Will? You seem troubled," Bill turned to see Mabel staring at him with a frown.

"Oh, no, no, I'm fine," Bill tried dismissing her. "This road trip is just taking a while, and I'm growing tired."

"Don't fall asleep, you are our only navigation," Ford chimed in from the front seat and Bill rolled his eyes.

"Right," he did his best not to snap at the annoying scientist, Bill was low key still keeping a grudge from when Ford refused to join him during Weirdmageddon.

"Are you sure you know where we're headed?" Stan asked. "And we've been driving forever, is this thing even located in Oregon?"

"Yes, that's what I can sense at least. And I know it might take awhile but- STOP THE CAR!" Bill suddenly yelled and Ford pressed down on the breaks.

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