Were have you been

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Amity's POV.

So this is goodbye I think as the adorable human in front of me summons her portal. Everyone was here to say goodbye, even my annoying siblings came. "I- I can't go" Luz said firmly "WHAT!" everyone Screamed in suprise making Luz wince. "Here me out, I have to go home." She started making everybody confused. "However I want you guys to come with me. Just for a month, you showed me so much of the demon realm I want to repay you" Luz stated with a nervous smile. "Well then I guess we should start packing" Willow stated with a smile and everyone agreed.

Time Skip.

We were all packed watching the familiar scene play out. However this time I wasn't about to cry. "Alright guys are you ready to see my home" Luz asked, and everyone nodded so she opened the door.

She went in first and we were quick to follow. Everything looked around in aw of the new dimension.

_____________ Luz's POV.

I was happy to see that everyone seemed to be interested in my world, but I couldn't help but worry about how my mom would react. "I know you guys want to look around, but we really should get going" I say looking at the group of friends behind me. "Alright cutie, If you say so I can't wait to see your house." Emira said making a blush rise to my face I quickly coughed to hide it, making Emira laugh. "Anyway my house isn't to far from here but you might want to wait outside when we get there" I warned knowing how my mom will react when she sees me

After a short walk we make it to my house. "Alright guys stay right here this shouldn't take that long" I said to my friends. They all looked confused but agreed I smiled and started walking to the door. When I got to the door I took a deep breath before knocking. A few seconds later a lady wearing scrubs opened it "Hola mami" I said hesitantly, but before I could explain anything I was in a bone crushing hug.

However just as fast she let go "¡LUZ!  ¿¡DÓNDE HAS ESTADO!?  ¡TE FUISTE POR UN AÑO!  ESTABA PREOCUPADO ENFERMO-" she started yelling "mami cálmate por favor" I said trying to calm her "Luz were have you been" She asked after she finally calmed down. "I'll explain everything but first I want you to meet my friends" I said pointing at everyone. My mom was a little surprised I brought company, but was happy to see I had friends.

When we were all situated in the living room I decided to introduce everyone "Mom I want to introduce my friends that's Emira" I stated pointing at her. "That's her girlfriend Viney" I continued pointing at the best keeper making her blush. "That's Emira's twin brother Edric and his boyfriend Jerbo" I stated pointing at the green and brown haired boys who replied with a wave "And these are my best friends Willow, Gus, and Amity." I introduced and they replied with a hey.

"It's nice to meet you all, but you haven't told me were you've been for a year" she said looking directly at me. "Well I've been in a place called the demon Realm" I said knowing she won't believe me. "Luz this isn't time for one of your fantasies" She said annoyed "miss Noceda she's telling the truth" Amity said taking off her hat to show her ears. My mom's jaw dropped as all of my friends followed suit.

"We're witches, and we live in a place called the boiling isles" Amity explained. "Just start from the beginning please" My mom asked still worried. "Well you see I was going to go to camp but ( precedes to explain S1) eventually I found a way to get home but it took a while" I explained watching my mom's eyes widen even further the more I went on with my story. "Wow that's... wow" she said at a loss for words. "I really missed you mami" I said giving her a hug. "I missed you too mija" She said hugging me back.

"Anyway, I wanted to show my friends the wonders of the human Realm, as thank you for showing me the wonders of the demon Realm so... can there stay for a couple weeks" I asked with my puppy dog eyes. "Well they did come all this way but y'all will have to share rooms" she said looking at me with a smirk. "Alright whose bunking with who" I asked looking at everyone.

"I'll bunk with Gus" Willow announced "I'll bunk with my twin" Edric stated with a smile. "I'll bunk with Jerbo" Viney stated pointing at her best friend. "I guess that means you're coming with me" I said grabbing Amity's hand making her face go red. "Be careful you might make mittens combust" Edric smirk making everyone laugh and making me confused.

"Well it's getting late, we should get to bed I can't wait to show you my room" I said squeezing amity's hand. "Also I have tomorrow all planned out so you might want to get some good sleep" I said before dragging Amity to my room. When we got there I turned to Amity to see what she wanted to do. "Hey Amity, I realized I only have one bed so I can sleep on the floor if you want." I offered giving her a smile. "No I couldn't ask you to sleep on the floor of your own room." She replied "well I guess we're sharing then" I said with a smile before jumping on my bed.

Amity's POV.

My face was still on fire at the thought of me and luz sharing a bed. Keep it together Amity focus on something else. I think looking around Luz's room in a desperate attempt to calm down. Her room was purple and pretty spacious with posters scattered messily across the walls making me laugh "Nice posters" I sarcastically with a smirk. "Don't hate blight" she replied with a smirk of her own. We ended up spending a lot of time talking before for finally getting tired. "I think it's about time we call it a night" I say yawning, making Luz smile "your right night Blight" she said with a laugh making me chuckle. "Night Luz" I replied before finally getting some sleep.

Word count 1082

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