Quick Rant

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Before I get into this rant I have been working on working on my crossover fic so it should be done this week. Now into my long rant

It all started when I was at my Beta Club meeting. (For those of you who didn't know it's basically a  Club for a bunch of smart people). Anyway I'm paying attention so that I knew what we were doing for the convention. (Basically a bunch of smart people doing compations like singing and writing and answering raya questions).

So we're talking about the dancing competition and get this... non of the boys wanted to participate. Keep in mind there going for a grease thing so we're trying to find ways around it when one of the club sponsors say the girls can dress up as the boys. So I'm freaking out because most of the girls I know in the club are gay so you know we're all for it. But as soon as the idea was brought up the other sponsor shot it down. Because they thought the LGBTQ+ community would come after them. When I say I was pissed. Way to get my hopes up 🙄.

So when I finally come home and get out of my writing class (yes I take writing classes deal with it). Anyway I tell my mom about how much the field trip and she refuses to pay the whole thing. Apparently I'm supposed to be responsible but I'm there responsibility until I'm 18.

How is a 12 year old girl going to get 225 dollars by November 19th. Ugh all I wanted was to go to Savannah for a few days and hang out with my friends. Why does life have to hate me.

btw just started watching little witch Academia it's so good I see why people like it and I don't even watch anime lol but that's about it have a great day.

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