3 days

512 14 20

Amity's POV

I woke up the next morning still in Luz's hoodie even though she offered me some other clothes. It was a little big on me but that just made me love it more. It had what looked like an arachnid on it, 'must be from one of the movies Luz showed Gus' I thought thinking back to the web head we watched the other night.

Luz was still asleep so I decided not to wake her up and take a shower. I put on a random outfit then put Luz's hoodie on, and headed down stairs. "Hey guys" I stated as I walked down stairs, "hey Amity where's Luz" Willow asked. I was about to answer but Edric cut me off "she's probably still asleep because of how exhausting her date was." I covered his mouth but then Emira started talking.

"Yeah you and Luz's date must have token allot out of her" Emira said in a teasing tone. "Shut up it's not that big a deal" I stated glaring at them. "Isn't that Luz's hoodie" Willow pointed out "maybe" say looking away causing them to laugh. "What's so funny" an adorable human asked as she came down the stairs half asleep. 'So cute' I thought as she wiped some of the sleep out her eyes. "Uh oh, it looks like mittens might over heat" Edric said, and I noticed I was blushing.

I quickly cleared my throat "uh,.. morning Luz" I said hoping my blush had went away. "Morning Amity" Luz replied walking to my side "what should we do today" Luz wondered a loud taking out her phone. "WHAT" she exclaimed in shock "no that can't be right" she continued confusing us. "What's wrong" I asked confused about why she was panicking.

"According to this, we only have a few days before you have to go back to the Isles." Luz stated worrying all of us "no, nononono we can't leave I still never tried Ice cream, or bonji jumped." Gus said pacing back and forth, just then his phone started ringing suprising everyone except Willow and Hunter. "I, uh, I have to
go " Gus said suspiciously. "So, what are we going to do" I asked Luz not ready to leave.


'How long do you have' Mack asked through the phone "I don't know a few days, 3 at most" I replied. '3 days why didn't you tell me' Mack asked betrayed. "I didn't know, I wish we could've spent more time together" I stated sadly. 'Hey it's ok 3 days is still enough to hang out' He replied optimistic. 'Meet me at this park, you never did get that skateboarding lesson.' Mack said making me smile "K, see you there" I replied before hanging out.

I quickly took a shower and got dressed before running down stairs. "I'm headed out" I stated grabbing my hat "were are you going" Luz asked suspiciously. "To enjoy the few days I have left here, Hunter can you come too" I asked about to walk out. "Why," he asked confused "I'm 12" I deadpanned. "Good point 1 sec" he said running upstairs "hurry up I'm already running late." I screamed loud enough so he could hear I took out my phone to text Mack.

Gus: I'm otw

Mack❤: K hurry

I put up my phone just in time to see Hunter come down stairs. "Ok I'm ready" he stated grabbing his hat. "Be back later, bye guys" I stated closing the door behind us.


"What just happened" Amity asked confused "I guess Gus had plans." I replied still a little confused "we can worry about that later, what are we going to do about our last few days here." Amity asked slightly panicked "hey, calm down it's going to be ok mi amor" I stated trying to calm her down. "Aren't you a little young to call someone your amor" my mom asked walking in.

"Oh, hey mom, I didn't expect you to be here." I state a little embarrassed my mom cought me say that. "You didn't expect me to be at my house" she asked sarcastically. "You've been taking a lot of full day jobs, I've barely seen you" I replied. "I guess you're right I promise I'll try to make more time for us" mom stated giving me a hug. "Thanks mom" I replied before she walked out the door.

"So what do we do" Edric asked again seeing as they never got an answer. "I hate to say it but, start packing" I replied feeling bad about my answer. "What do you mean start packing, we can't give up that easily" Edric protested. "We're not going to give up, we said you guys would stay for a month and that's what we did" I stated. "All we can do now is try to make the most of the time we have left" I continued wanting to make there last days memorable. We spent the rest of the day planning and packing for the last 3 days.

3rd Person POV

That night was filled with wariness in the Noceda house hold. Everyone was worried about the last 3 days. Gus had 3 days to spend time with Mack. Luz and Amity had 3 days to enjoy their new relationship. Hunter had three days to prepare himself for what Belos had planned for him back home. Willow had 3 days to get Gus and Mack together. Emira and Viney had 3 days to figure out how to kill 3 kids without drawing attention to themselves and. And Jerbo and Edric had three days to find out what's going on.

Though these were the thoughts most people would have only one plagued Luz's mind. 'How am I going to tell them' she thought 'how am I going to tell her'

3 days, 3 weeks, 3 chapters. Hey guys I would like to announce this book is coming to an end. I have to admit I have mixed feelings about this. On 1 hand I can't wait to read your reactions on how the book ended. However I am a little sad to see their story end, this will be the first book I've ever completed. And I couldn't he happier anyway it's getting late so for what could possibly be the last time this is Jada sghning off, have a great day/ night/ afternoon peace ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

Word count 1077

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