Am I the only one that noticed this

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I'm still going to post today but I had to point this out spoilers if you haven't seen the new episode of TGAMM

This scene reminds me a lot, of this one

Maybe it's just me but all I'm going to say is #mollibby 😏😏

Edit: hey guys it has come to my attention that a lot of people have been harassing the creator after he stated molly and libby will not be getting together. This is not ok, it's not Bob Roth's job to make your ships come true. Not every ship Is going to be cannon and that's ok. If you want to make fanfics aboupt it be my guess but if the creator or showrunner says it's not going to happen It's just not going to happen, so stop calling him homophobic or say he queer bates and get over it. He never said they would get together we just assumed. And for those of you who I tell are so ready to call me a hypocrite when I posted this I had no idea people were coming at the creator like this. I just thought it would be cool to mention anyway this rant has gone on long enough for the people who are not doing this thank you for understanding that not all ships have to be cannon, and it's ok to be wrong every now and then.

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