Tell Me The Truth

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 ⚠️TW⚠️ nightmare                      

Amity's POV. 

I turned to Luz with an confused look on my face. Luz tried to hide it but I could tell this was really bothering her. "Of course not your the coolest person I know" I said genuinely and with a smile on my face. She smiled but I could tell something was still bothering her. "why did you ask?" I wondered hoping she'd open up to me.

She just put on a fake smile and said "no reason" but I could tell she was hiding something. "we should get to bed it's getting late" She continued trying to change the subject. I didn't want to pry so I just went with it. "Ok do you want to go back upstairs or stay here?" I asked ready  to go to bed.

"Can we stay here I'm too tired to go back upstairs." She stated snuggling up to me making me flush red. "Y-yeah sure I'm tired anyway we can just stay here and-" I stopped when Luz laid her head on my shoulder making me blush even harder. After inwardly screaming I laid my head on hers and fell asleep.

                           Time Skip.                       

I woke to an empty couch making me frown. Judging by how dark it is, it was still pretty late. I checked Luz's human scroll to find out It was half past 1. I put the contraption back on the table and went to look for Luz. I found her silently crying on her bed in her room making my heart break.

I slowly knocked on her door startling her out of her thoughts. She quickly wiped her tear stained eyes and faced me with a fake smile. "Heyy Amity" she said with a strained voice and watery eyes. I quickly engulfed her in a hug "Luz what's wrong" I asked my voice wavering at the sight of Luz's state.

"N-nothing  I'm fine I-I swear" she tried wincing at how fragile her voice was. "Luz I know your not fine please just tell me the truth" I asked my voice  wavering slightly. Luz just silently cried into my shoulder. Something is definitely wrong and I intend to find out who or what is hurting my Luz. She eventually tired herself out and fell asleep on my shoulder.

                           Luz's POV.                         

(⚠️TW⚠️)"Oh look the nerd's back" Emira mocked making tears well up. "Please Luzera save us from your presence" Gus continued. "As if you could ever be a wich" Amity stated making everyone laugh. I just sat there watching my 'friends' laugh at me. I couldn't hold back the tears that stung my eyes. They're right I'm never going to be a wich. I just sat on the floor of the dark room and listened to my 'friends' tell  me how pathetic and pitiful I am. (⚠️TW over⚠️)

Eventually I woke up tears still in my eyes, I quickly wipe my eyes and walk downstairs. It was around 9:45 everyone normally everyone wakes up around 10:00 so I decided to start working on breakfast. So I took out the ingredients and put on my favorite song.

"Often I am upset that I cannot fall in love but I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it
Are you tired of me yet?" I started to sing, my eyes stinging at the memory of my dreams.

"I'm a little sick right now but I swear
When I'm ready I will fly us out of here" I continued to sing as I started whisking.

"I'll cut my hair
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh) To make you stare
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh) I'll hide my chest
And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here" As I continued to sing, the world seemed to fade to black.

I started to hum the toon when the lyrics stopped playing before getting back into the song. "Turn off your porcelain face
I can't really think right now in this place. There's too many colors enough to drive all of us insane
Are you dead? Sometimes I think I'm dead
'Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head
But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet

I continued to sing not noticing anyone come in. "My eyes went dark
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh) I don't know where
(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh) My pupils are
But I'll figure out a way to get us out of here. As I continued to sing I thought about everything that's happened in the last year.

"Get a load of this monster
He doesn't know how to communicate
His mind is in a different place
Will everybody please give him a little bit of space
Get a load of this train-wreck
His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet
But little do we know, the stars
Welcome him with open arms" My eyes began to water at the memory of the things they used to call me at my old school. I felt tears run down my cheeks as I finished the song

"Time is
(ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh) Slowly
(ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh) Tracing his
face but strangely I feel at home in this place. As I finished the song, I noticed a certain cotton candy haired goddess behind me.

I quickly turned around with a fake smile and faced Amity. "Heyy Amity I made breakfast" I said a little embarrassed that she might have heard me sing. "I didn't know you could sing" Amity stated confirming my fears and making me blush in embarrassment. "I thought everyone was asleep" I stated wiping my eyes, and hoping she couldn't tell I was crying.

"Luz how much sleep did you get last night" Amity asked with a knowing look. I shied away from her gaze before answering with a small "enough". "Luz" she stated clearly concerned about my lack of sleep. "Amity I'm fine, I'm not tired at all" I stated with a smile, but she could see right through me. "Get some sleep I'll finish cooking breakfast" She stated grabbing the pan I planned on using.

"You don't even know what t I'm making" I said chuckling slightly at the fact she didn't think of that. Amity seemed to think of a solution to the problem before finally sighing and facing me. "Fine, but at least let me help" she stated annoyed I wouldn't be heading back to bed. "Deal" I replied before explaining to her how to make French toast.


Sorry about the late update in celebration of LUMITY BEING CANON I bought 3 pares of new shoes. Anyway on to my weekly owl house rant. All I have to say is holly s*** I went from Hooty please don't, to YESSSSSSSS thank you Hooty, before ending with I hate you Hooty. We got a brand new Eda look that makes her seem somehow even more bad ass, an awesome new King power, not to mention the first main gay canon couple to ever exist on Disney like holly shit. To quote a well known triangle "It's happening it's finally happening." Ok but real what happened yesterday is sure to go down in  history as the scene that paved the way for change so thank you Dana Terrace, thank you to the crew, and thank you to whoever helped change the rules to allow us to see this master piece we all enjoyed.

For the very few of You who didn't know the song, it was "This Is Home" by Cavetown.

Word count: 1268

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