Day 1

487 13 25

Gus' POV

As I ate breakfast I could tell all eyes were on me. "Can't I eat breakfast without an audience" I asked irritated due to a lack of sleep. "After what you pulled last night, hell no." Luz stated pissed "I just lost track of time" I stated not seeing the big deal. "Where the hell wher you that made you lose track of time for so long that you came home at 1AM." Luz asked suspiciously "out?" I stated but it came out more like a question.

She just sighed and turned to Hunter "you were tasked with keeping him safe and you let him stay out till 1AM." Luz asked angerly "you guys could've got hurt, or you could have been found out." Luz said in a worried tone, you could've at least called someone." She stated going back to eating her food "I'm sorry it slipped my mind it won't happen again." I state seriously.

"Thank you, even though this world isn't filled with magic or adventure some people here can be demons". She stated and I decided to take her word for it. "Anyway enough about that, I finally thought of what we should do today." Luz stated perking my intrest "but don't think we're not going to talk about this later" Luz stated. I sighed in annoyance before thinking back to yesterday.

Flash back

I had just left the house and was walking to the spot Mack and I agreed on. "So where are we going exactly" Hunter asked very confused. "Oh, we're meeting up with Mack" I stated knowing he already knew about him. "Well why did you ask me to come don't you wanna go on your date alone" he asked with a smirk. "1 this isn't a date and 2 I may like him but I'm not an idiot" I stated without thinking.

"So you do like him" Hunter stated with a smirk "Shut up" I stated a blush clear on my cheeks. When we got to the park I ran over to Mack in excitement. "Hey Mack" I stated happily "hey Gus, glad you could make it" Mack stated with a smile. "Hey, I'm Hunter" Hunter stated putting his hand out. "Nice to meet you" Mack said shaking his hand "ok you can go now, just not to far."

I told Hunter so it could be just the two of us. Mack took out the board I bought the other day. "Thanks for keeping an eye on it" I said with a smile. "No problem but why didn't you just take it back to the house your staying at?" He asked "because this gives me an excuse to see you." I state with a chuckle he rolled his eyes in playfull annoyance.

I was about to get on my board when my stomach growled. I blushed in embarrassment "I uh.. didn't eat breakfast" I stated with a nervous chuckle. "Well, not to be mean but I was kinda hoping you'd be hungry" he stated pulling me somewher. "close your eyes" he yelled as he dragged me somewhere.

"Ok you can open your eyes now" Mack stated as he came to a stop. "I figured we could have brunch before we started" he said with a smile. I gave him a huge hug "you didn't have to do this, also what's a brunch" I asked. He just laughed "It's sorta like breakfast and lunch at the same time." He explained "I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure if you were hungry and I wanted it to be a suprise." He stated with a nervous chuckle.

"I love it, thanks" I stated as I sat on the blanket carefull not to knock any of down the dishes down. Mack did the same and started to make me a plate. "So tell me about the foods" I asked not knowing what was being put on my plate. "Well we've got a pita sandwich, spring rolls, fruit pizza, and for dessert cheesecake bites." He said trying to make it sound like no big deal. "wow how long did it take you to make" I asked suprised by all the effort he put in.

"Not long" he stated with a yawn, I wasn't that convinced but I continued to eat. "It's delicious" I stated praising his cooking ability. After our brunch we started on our "lesson" we had so much fun. He taught me the right way to stand on a board and how to turn it felt so good to just spend time with him. 'I wish I didn't have to go home so soon' I think to myself.

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