The Mall

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So yeah the mall won the vote, but... for those of you who wanted to see them go to the Aquarium, I have a special chapter planned for it so without further or due into the chapter.

Luzs' POV

I woke up in a surprisingly good mood and went down stairs to see what the others were doing. When I got down stairs I noticed that my friends had made a huge 3 course meal. They didn't seem to notice my entrance and were sitting on the couch, an exhausted expression evident on their face. 'Nice going Luz now your friends are exhausted because of you and your needs.' I thought to myself at how tired they looked.

After looking at all the food my friends prepared for me I decided to make my presence known. "Hey guys" I say making everyone jump, I chuckled at their reaction. They quickly got up from the couch and turned to me. "Why'd you come down here, we were planning on suprising you" Emira stated in a whiney voice.

"Sorry guys I didn't know it was supposed to be a surprise I would've stayed in bed." I state a little guilty, "Nah it's fine I just hope you like it your mom helped us make all your favorite foods." Gus states a smile plastered on his face, "wow, you guys didn't have to do that." I stated feeling a little like a burden "we wanted to, as a thanks for how much fun we've been having." Jerbo said, I smiled 'I'm so lucky to have friends like them' I think to myself.

"Well what are we waiting for let's dig in" Viney states. We didn't hesitate to take her advice "so guys, I decided to show you what it's like to be an earth teen." I state with a smile they all looked at me in confusion "Isn't that what we've been doing" Edric asked confused. "I mean yeah but you're not a real earth teen unless you've been to the mall" I said with a laugh. "That's a weird rule" Amity stated sceptical "you'll understand when we get there" I stated before continuing to eat.

"This is so good" I state through bites they just laughed "glad you like it" Willow replied. Eventually I got stuffed and decided it was time to get dressed. Amity offered to wait outside my room while I took a shower and got dressed. I decided to wear a green Loki graphic tee with some black pants and a black hoodie around my waist. When I was satisfied with my outfit I took Amitys' place as she got ready for the mall. She came back out 15 minutes later wearing a black oversized t-shirt blue ripped jeans and her black beanie.

I flushed red 'again with the hot outfit, are you trying to kill me woman' I think to myself panicking a little. "Uh we better get going the others are probably waiting." I state trying to hide my blush "Alright, after you" Amity stated making me laugh. "Thank you very much miss Blight" I reply with a chuckle before stopping suddenly. "Almost forgot" I say before cuffing my jeans "alright let's go" I say after I was done Amity looked at me confused but didn't say anything.

When we got downstairs I noticed that everyone was already ready (again). Gus was wearing a jean jacket with a black shirt some ripped jeans and a blue beanie, Edric was wearing a plane green shirt and some jeans, Emira was wearing a maroon crop top and some black pants Viney and Jerbo wore yellow sweaters and black jeans and Willow had on a black turtleneck with a light brown trench coat and some black pants.

"Hey guys" I say as we came down "you all look amazing" I state complementing their outfits. "Thanks Luz, you don't look to bad yourself, whose that on your shirt" Edric replied "I'll show you when we get home, now we beter go before we miss our bus" I say and we all rushed out.

Time Skip

After we got off the bus it was a short walk to the mall "so that's what a bus is like in the human Realm? It's only slightly less terrifying than the ones in the Boiling Isles." Gus stated as we walked, "yep that's the Human Realm for you" I state with a laugh "Oh look were here" I state with a huge smile. "Why is it so big" Willow asked "you'll see." I say as we entered the building "Wow" they all said in unison "welcome to teenage life" I state smiling ear to ear.

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