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*dramatic trumpet music* Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. The moment you've all been waiting for, Now presenting... the Aquarium.

Amity's POV

'I'm going to do it" I think to myself pumping me up. 'Today's the day' I think to myself again. I walk up to Luz's room and knock on the door 'you can do this, just say "Luz do you want to go out with me" easy peasy.' I think to myself mentally rehearsing what I was going to say.

I continued to nervously pace out side Luz's room while I waited for her to open the door. "Hey Amity what's up" she asked as she opened the door "will you go out with me" I blurted out immediately regretting it. I tried to avoid her eyes but stopped when I noticed Luz wasn't saying anything. She just stood there frozen "Luz?" I asked waving my head in front of her face.

"S-sory, yes of course I'll go out with you!" She exclaimed embracing me in a tight hug to wich I immediately returned. "So, would you maby want to go on a date with me" Luz asked   scratching the back of her neck nervously. "Of course" I reply with a chuckle making Luz smile. "Well, I'll make breakfast while you get dressed" she offered suprising me 'I didn't expect to go on our date so soon, not that I mind"  I thought to myself with a smile. "Ok, meet you down stairs" I stated before walking into the room.


Shock, shock was all I felt, if you had told me that I would be dating Amity Blight a year ago I would've thought you were a psychopath. But now, I couldn't love her more if I tried, not that that ever stopped me before. As I fixed a quick breakfast of eggs and grits I thought about were to take a smart, cool and classy person like Amity. 'Hmm, amusement park, nah the lines are too long, I don't want to boar her. Arcade, nah been there done that, hmm I GOT IT.'

Just then Amity came in, "hey Amity food's about done" I stated taking a plate out. "Thanks babe" she stated causing me to freeze and drop the plate. 'Omg, she called me babe,omg, she called me babe, omg, she called me  babe.' I thought to myself going through a mental panic. "-Abe babe, you ok" she asked with a worried expression, I pulled her into a kiss "the best." I replied, now it was her turn to be flustered.

"Amity" I asked when I noticed her frozen expression. "Uh oh" I stated when I noticed she was unresponsive. "What's wrong cutie" Emira asked coming down the stairs with Ed "I think I broke Amity" I stated worried but they broke into a wide grin. "Wait that means..." they looked at each other, then to Amity then back to me .

"Who made the first move, why didn't you tell us, and when's your first date?" They asked at the speed of light "what" I asked confused "ugh" they state rolling their eyes. "Once oblivious, always oblivious" they  replied annoyed. "Amity is broken because of 1 or 2 things, A you started dating or B you kissed her so which one is it." They asked In anticipation "uhh, both" I replied still a little confused.

"Yeah she's going to be like that for a while, maybe even all day" Edric states looking at his little sister. "Aww man, I guess we can go on our date some other day." I state in defeat "No" Amity exclaimed rushing to my side. "Oh, hey  Amity ready to eat" I asked as she blushed in embarrassment "sure" she replied.

"So where are we going" Amity asked after breakfast "It's a surprise" I replied. After breakfast we headed to the Aquarium, when we got a few feet away from the building I covered her eyes so she wouldn't be able to see the sign. "Luz, do you really need to cover my eyes" Amity asked playfully annoyed. "Is it so bad to want to suprise my girlfriend" I asked with a chuckle.

"Ok, we're here" I stated taking my hands off her eyes. She looked around in awe "Amity Blight, my amazing girlfriend welcome to the Aquarium" I stated in an announcer like voice. She chuckles at my antics, "come on let me show you my favorite exhibit." I state grabbing her hand and dragging  her to the exhibit.

"Here we are" I stated showing her the otter exhibit. "Hey it's that human animal you went to grom dressed as" she stated with a chuckle. "Yeah they're called otters, they're the cutest things you'll ever see." I state gushing over my favorite animals "ehh I've seen cuter." She stated nonchalant "what could possibly be cuter than an  otter" I asked curious. "You silly" Amity with a chuckle making me blush.

"So where do you want to go next" I asked letting her choose the next spot. "Well there is this one creature I've always wanted to see" she stated nervously. "Do you know what it's called" I asked in hopes it might be here. "Uh, I think it's called a tu-turtal?" She asked unsure of the name, "oh I know were that is" I stated causing her eyes to light up. ' I would find you a billion turtles if that meant your eyes would light up like that again' I think to myself as I take her to the tunnel exhibit. ( you know, when you go through that tunnel and are surrounded by water and sea creatures I'm not sure what it's called)

Amity's POV

I smiled as I was yanked to an empty tunnel by my girlfriend. 'I never thought I'd be able to say that' I think to myself with a smile. "So what exactly am I looking at" I asked trying not to sound mean she just chuckled. "Wait for it" stated pointing up, just then hundreds of kinds of sea creatures swam up to the glass. "Wow" I say in awe of the huge creatures just then Luz nudged me and pointed behind me. I turned to see a huge creature with a shell.

'A turtle' I think to myself in wonder floating over the turtles belly I noticed a small one I swear waved at me. 'It's so cute' I think to myself as I stared at the many creatures that passed by. "So what do you think Amity, Is the Aquarium good enough for someone as smart, cool and classy as you?" Luz asked with a smile "definitely" I replied pulling her into a hug. "Well then, let me give you the tour" Luz stated with a smile.

Time Skip


We were watching the dolphin show when they started spraying the audience. I was so excited to get wet so I got seats right in the middle of the splash zone. Right before they started the splashing I put my hoodie somewhere it could stay dry. A couple seconds later me and Amity were being splashed by five dolphins. I was laughing the entire time.

After the show we started heading home on the way back I noticed Amity shivering so I gave her my sweater. "Cool, I can see some more of your natural hair" I point out with a smile. She quickly put on the hood of my sweater "hey, if you don't want anyone to see your natural hair color that's fine, but just know. Whether you're hair is purple, green, or brown, I love you all the same." I state seriously before realizing what I just said and avoiding her gaze.

'WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, what if she doesn't feel the same way. What if she's not ready to use the L word. What if-' before I could finish my panic Amity turned my head to face her. She then closed the gap between our lips giving me a gentle kiss before we separated. We looked each other in the eye both of us having a blush on our face when Amity stated "I love you too."

I'm going to end it right here because I'm tired and I feel bad for going MIA for days truth is I've just been a little busy. Heard about TOH not fitting in with 'the Disney brand' what a load of BS. whatever I'm going to bed have a great day/morning/ night peace ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

Word count 1424

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