extra chapter because I'm bored

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Okay so for those of you who didn't know I originally made this book to be a one shot book. However one chapter turned into another then then another and then eventually a whole plot and now we're here. However some of my ideas were pretty good so I decided to write one. Also I'm going to be deleting slot of my A/Ns so if my chapter count goes down that's why and that's pretty much it so on to the story.


"Do you think it will work" I asked Amity before I activated the glyph. "I don't know, no one has ever tried such a big spell" she stated. "Well I guess we'll be the first" I stated taking her hand. We both blushed at the action "so are you ready to do this blight" I asked her, she nodded her head.

"Alright, on the count of 3 we jump on the glyph" I stated rubbing circles on her hand. She nodded her hand in understanding "1...2...3..." we both jumped on the glyph our hands still intertwined causing a huge burst of light. I couldn't see anything so I just squeezed the hand of my girlfriend.

When the light died down I could finally see what happened. We were in a large crater "the Serge of power must have created a crater around the glyph" I think to myself taking a look at the surroundings. I hear some coughing come from behind me. "Amity are you ok" I asked rushing to her side, she just waved me off "yeah the spell just took a lot out of me." She said once she finished her coughing fit, I tried to hide my worried expression but she could see my worrying.

"Luz it's fine I swear, all I have to do is take my energy potion, here I'll show you" she states attempting to summon her energy potion. "Oh no" Amity stated causing me to panic "what happened why can't you get your potion." I asked worry laced in my voice "ok, don't freak out but the spell drained me more than I thought and I don't have enough magic" Amity said.

"Ugh this is all my fault, I thought if I made a big enough glyph you wouldn't have to use as much magic, I'm so sorry Amity" I stated feeling bad for what I did. "Luz this isn't your fault, you didn't know it would take this much magic, and right now all I'm worried about is if the portal worked." She said making me feel better "Alright let's see if I can finally see my mom again."

We climb out the crater to see that we were still in th demon Realm. "No, no, no, this was supposed to be my ticket back home, I'm supposed to be In Connecticut I-I'm supposed to be with my mom" I stated as tears began to roll down my eyes. Amity was quick to embrace me "Luz, it's ok we'll find another way for now let's just head back to the house." Amity states and I nod in agreement.

Amity's POV

It didn't take long to get to the owl house seeing as we did the spell in the woods by it. However when we got there I couldn't help but feel like something was off. "Your probably just being paranoid" I think to myself as I walked in. When I went inside I saw a girl who looked about 18, she was pretty tall and looked a lot like Luz. I blushed hard before getting into a defensive position "who are you" I asked still blushing a little. "I should be asking you that, what are you doing in my house" she asked.

"Your house this is her house" I say pointing to my girlfriend who was done crying and now paying attention to what was going on. "Actually it's my house" Eda said coming out of nowhere. "Sorry Eda" we all said in sync "whoa, whoa, whoa how do you know Eda" Luz asked the mysterious girl. "I live with her, how do you know Eda" she asked. "I live with her" Luz said clearly confused. "Yeah well I ain't never seen you before so go away" the girl said. "You go away, I was here first" Luz shot back.

"Ok, everyone calm down while you guys were yelling at each other I found out what was going on." Eda said causing everyone to focus on her. "Ok first I need to test a theory what's your name kid" she asked pointing to Luz. " Eda, it's me Luz Noceda your apprentice" she stated. "Uh no you're not I'm Luz Noceda" the other girl stated. "Like hell you are I am Luz Noceda, human, witch in training, and mentee to Eda the owl lady the most powerful witch on the Boiling isles."

Luz said suprising me at the tone of her voice "uh sorry I don't know why I got so angry" Luz stated after her outburst. "It's fine, it just confirms my theory you 2 are from another dimension" Eda states pointing to me and Luz. "WHAT" me, Luz and the other Luz yelled in unison. "It's very rare but sometimes witches get there on accident but I've never heard of a human doing it before." Eda states "I get that a lot" Luz replied making me laugh.

"So what were you trying to do before you got here" Eda asked trying to figure out how we got here. "Well I was trying to get back to the Human Realm, my mom is probably so worried about me." Luz stated and I could tell the mention of her mom affected the other Luz too. "Yeah well who cares about her I'm going to my room tell me when they're gone." The older girl said before going up to her room. "What's her problem" Luz asked looking at the stairs the older girl had just stormed out.

"Don't worry about that, look I found out where you guys are from" Eda said looking at a magic map. "This is our dimension, the Beta dimension" she stated pointing to a spot at the map "And that's your dimension, the canon dimension" she stated pointing at a different spot on the other side of the map. "It'll take a while to send you back" Eda states, I guess we're going to be here for a while


That's all for now, I hope you liked it. This actually came out a lot better than I expected. I'm not really going to go that much into this one shot because I might add to it later. Also I heard this really good song that reminded me so much of lumity

Word count 1137

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