Special Chapter for Amphibia(p2)

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Anne's POV

"Who are you people" I asked confused however the kids in the sweater and the vest looked oddly familiar. "Well I'm Wolf, and this is Dipper, Mabel, Star, Korra, Adora, Catra, and Raya." Wolf explained pointing out every one as she calls there name. "Do, I know you 2" I asked the twins "no you don't look family" they replied hm guess I was wrong.

Kipo POV

Me and Wolf left the room to talk about what's going on. "Kipo status report" Wolf asked fiercely. "She's the only one I found so far, she's looking for her friends" I replied. Wolf grabs her tracker pad and held it like she was going to take a picture of Anne. "Do you really have to scan every guess" I asked annoyed. "Yes I do" she replied in a monotone voice. "Name one time someone actually had secret abilities" I asked still very annoyed.

"Do you really want me to answer that" she asked sarcastically. "Ok fine but that was 1 time, what are the chances she'd be hiding something" I answered annoyed by Wolf's paranoia. "apparently really high check this out" wolf said showing me her screen. "Wow I haven't seen or heard about an energy signature that big since the explosion that created the mutes" I stated in awe.

"She could blow up the tree house with a snap of her finger" Wolf said freaking out. "Calm down I'll just talk to her" Wolf tried to stop me but I was already talking to her. "Anne why didn't you tell me about your powers" I asked calmly. "Well I don't use them unless I absolutely need to and they only activate when my friends are in danger" she said. I could tell she was uncomfortable with the situation so I didn't push.

"Well if you're not tired we can look for your friends now." I said with a smile "yes please, thank you" she stated. "Of course I know how you feel, I would do anything to get my friends back" I stated knowing were she's coming from. "Thank you" she stated with a genuine smile.

Time Skip

We were all looking around for our friends in hopes that they are safe when I noticed a girl come out of nowhere. She stood there for a second before collapsing onto the ground.

Anne POV

We all ran up to the mysterious girl when I noticed that I've seen her before. "Luz" I say surprised 'what is she doing here' I think to myself as I checked her wounds. "You know her Anne" Korra asked curious about how I know the girl. "Yeah just barely, she was looking for a way home and we crossed paths" I stated. "She was on Amphibia too" Wolf asked suspiciously causing Kipo to give her a nudge.

"I'm sorry about her you don't have to answer that if you don't want to." Kipo stated apologizing for Wolf "It's fine, no she was not on Amphibia. She came on accident while she was trying to make a portal home, but she left before we could hang out." I explained thinking back to our brief meeting. "She was stuck on another world too" Kipo asked. "Yeah that's why we got along so well. Now can someone help me carry her back to the tree house" I asked with a chuckle

Time Skip

When we got back to the tree house we put Luz in a spare room while we waited for her to wake up. While we waited we decided to get to know each other better so we decided to play a game.


I woke up in a room I didn't recognize I immediately got defensive. Just then my memories of what happened before came flooding back and I felt numb again. I walk out of the mysterious room emotionless, not caring about what might happen to me. I walk through the empty halls of the establishment following the sound of laughter in the distance.

When I arrived at the source of the sound I saw 9 strangers and 'Anne?' I think to myself. "So you're telling me, you dated the same guy before dating each other" Anne asked through laughs. "Yes, you should've seen his face, it was priceless" A burnette said and they all burst into another fit of laughter. "God I miss them so much, Asami, Mako, Bolin" she stated with a sigh. "Hey, we'll find them" Anne stated putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Now, whose next I'm looking at you Raya" a girl with lavender hair stated reminding me of Amity. A girl presumably named Raya was about to speak when someone noticed me. "Uh guys it looks like our guess is up" a short brown haired boy stated. All eyes turned to me I give them a short emotionless wave. "Hey, it's Luz right" the lavender haired girl asked me to wich I replied with a nod before looking away from her.

"Well my name is Kipo and we were just playing never have I ever, want to play?" She offered, the old me would've loved to, the old me would love to get to know them. But that was the old me, the me that didn't almost kill a guy. The me that wasn't a monster, the me Amity had fell in love with. I will never be able to go back to that me, but this me doesn't deserve friends.

I just shook my head and walked back to the room I woke up in. 'I don't deserve mercy, I'm a monster' when I got back to the room I sat on my bed and broke down. I cried until I ran out of tears and was left emotionless and empty again. Eventually I heard a knock on the door, I didn't move, I didn't answer, I just sat there numb.

Eventually the knocking stopped and they came in. I was about to activate my invisibility glyph when I recognized there voice. "Hey Luz, I know you probably don't want to talk about what's happened, but I just wanted tell you I'm happy that you made it home even if it's not the way you remember it." Anne said with a chuckle causing the ghost of a smile come across my face. "I'm glad you made it home too" I stated in a horse voice due to it not being used since I got here. Anne quickly pulled me into a hug, 'I have a feeling she knows how I feel' I think to myself quickly recuperating the hug.

Hope you liked it. I love this idea so I'm making it a book. I don't have an update schedule so post will kinda be all over the place. Have a great day/ night/ afternoon peace

Word count 1146

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