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Hunters POV

I slowly knocked on the door scared to see the girl whose life I ruined. Just then a lady with gold eyes and white hair opened the door. "Um h-hey Eda" I stated not sure what to say. "What do you want Golden Guard" she asked angerly "It's uh, just Hunter now." I state hoping to turn over a new lief "well, Hunter, what are you doing here?" She asked still angry "what, belos asked you to spy on us or something" she continued sarcastically but some of her anger slipped through.

"No, I uh I came to apologize and ask for your help" she seemed to be taken aback by my words before laughing. "Why would I ever help you, you tried to kill me, then you tried to kill my kid, then you tried to kill her girlfriend, not to mention a good friend of mine is missing because of your boss." She stopped her rant and looked me dead in the eyes "I will never, help you" she finally states about to close the door. "

He's not my boss" I stated before she closed the door."What" she asked confused about what I said. "I said he's not my boss" I state again a little louder than before. "I'm sorry for what happened to your friend but Belos isn't my boss anymore." I state looking up at her "Me and little rascal ran away once we found out...the truth." I state pausing towards the end to build up courage. "What, that belos is a crazy fascist, hate to break it to you but I already knew."

She stated sarcastically "Uh no I uh the truth is Im a grim walker which basically means I'm a fucked up clone of Belos' brother because he can't handle grief." I state angry, but not really sure at what, I'm angry at Belos for lying to me. But I'm also angry at myself for believing him for so long, and I was angry at Eda for not caring. All of a sudden all these feelings came out at once and I just broke down

Present day

"Once I told Eda what happened she let me stay, until I decided to try and apologize to you." I state looking at Luz "I spent 16 years believing everything Belos told me." I state looking up at everyone "he told me the titan had plans for me, made me think I was special ha ha, I guess that should have been my indicator he was lying" I state with a small laugh.

"Hunter are you ok" Luz asked a worried expression on her face. I rubbed my hand up to my hair "No I'm not. the man I've looked up to my whole life turned out to be an asshole, I had to ask Eda for help after I made it my mission to ruin her life, and you, you and Amity tried to help me and I just turned on you." I would've gone on but I was brought into a bone crushing hug by Luz. "I'm so fucked up" I say through tears as I  hug her back.

"Not much more than me" Luz replied before hugging me even tighter. Just then everyone joined in and for the first time I felt normal. 'Thanks guys' I thought to myself "now let's go back to bed" Luz stated after we all let go. "Luz it's 5AM" Amity states looking at the clock "ugh I guess I better start on breakfast" Luz stated. "No you're going to sleep we'll make breakfast" Amity states.

"B-But you're my guest" Luz tried to argue "and you're my friend" Amity replied. "But you don't know how to make human food" Luz tried again "we'll look it up on your human scroll" Emira answered "B-But-" Luz was cut off by Amity "Luz, get some sleep" Amity stated sternly before whispering something. Luz smiled and nodded her head "I'll try" Luz stated before going to bed.

Luz's POV

I lied, the truth is I was scared I might have the dream again. I can't keep doing this, I mean I love that everyone's here but it's so much stress. "If I make one wrong move it's over" I remind myself for the 100th time this week. Just then my mind wondered back to the words Amity told me before I came upstairs 'we all love you for you try to remember that.'  I smiled  at the thought 'thanks Amity you always know how to calm me down' I think to yourself as I drifted off to sleep, and for the first time since I came back I slept peacefully.


Hope you liked it, I'll leave the vote out for one more week before the big reveal of were the gang will go next. Anyway how do you feel about Hunter, I really enjoyed writing his part because it was about him letting out all the feelings he had before going to the owl house. I know he let some of his feelings out during the flash back but you got to think 16 years of shit is not going to go away all at once. And I feel like Hunter took a bigger step than Luz when he admitted that he wasn't ok. Anyway shout out to ItIsiSnowy I lowkey forgot I had to post today so when I was checking out your new chapter it reminded me. Also for everyone who isn't READ FIC MY BROKEN HEART IT'S AMAZING. Last but not least shout out to Art of Rhues I came across their you tube channel and they're so good I watched SVTFOE Ready I'll Ever be like 50 times lol anyway this is the shortest chapter I ever posted. have a great day/ night/ morning peace ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

Word count 976

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