Mack x Gus one shot

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Hey guys turns out it's trans awareness week so here's a quick fluff one shot before the bone crushing angst that comes with day 3. Now into the chapter

Edit: so yeah as I mentioned before this was supposed to be posted on Friday but as I mentioned before I just couldn't for reasons. But now that I'm feeling better I can finally post.

Mack's POV

My dad was 'at work' (aka drunk at a bar) so I was home alone again. *Sigh* "I'm so bored" I stated plopping down on the couch hoping to watch TV. "Oh right" I say out loud when I remembered my 'dad' broke it the last time he got mad. I sighed and took out my phone praying for a distraction when my prayers were answered.

Gus😍: Hey Mack!

'Omg Gus texted me what should I reply' I panicked after reading my notification.

Mack: hey Gus what's up

I reply trying to sound natural

Gus 😍: I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today

'OMG he wants to hang out, with me is this a date or just friends.' I panicked as I tried to come up with a good reply 

Mack: Sure, I was bored anyway

I replied cringing at the text.

Gus😍: great meet me here *sends location*

I quickly run upstairs and rummage through my secret drawer. Where I keep all the clothes I don't want my dad to see in. I couldn't choose between my blue jean jacket or my black Vans hoodie. I groaned in frustration 'why can't I just pick out an outfit!' I think to myself a sigh escaping my lips. I finally decided on waring a white tshirt under a blue jean jacket and some black jeans.

After I got dressed I opened my phone to check the location of were we planed on meeting up before walking out the house with my skateboard. It was a short ride from home and I spent the time enjoying how peaceful and quiet the walk was. However I couldn't help but buzz with excitement knowing I was about to go out with Gus.

'This isn't a date we're just hanging  out' I remind myself as I get off my skateboard and walk over to Gus who was waving his hands to gain my attention. "Hey Mack did you skateboard all the way here" Gus asked enthusiastically. "Hah, yeah I guess I did" I replied awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.

"That's so cool" Gus replied with a smile. "It was nothing" I replied still feeling awkward "so what are we doing" I asked trying to change the subject. "Well most of my friends were busy so I figured I'd finally check out an escape room." He replied, just then a girl who looked about 15 walked up to him. "Hi  nice to meet you I'm Willow" she said putting her hand out for me to shake. "Uh, hi I'm Mack how do you know Gus" I replied.

She seemed to understand why I asked and chuckled slightly. "I'm his best friend," she replied before adding "I have a girlfriend back home." making me laugh slightly "nice to know" I replied confusing Gus. "So, shall we go" Willow asked Walking towards the building. "Lead the way" I replied following the 2 people in front of me. "So which one of the escape rooms should we do" I asked looking at the many escape rooms we could go to.

"Nothing too big seeing as there's only 2 of you" Willow said confusing us. "Wait your not coming" I asked confused "no I'm uh, claustrophobic." She replied. "Then why'd you come" I asked curious "I just came to make sure Gus's curiosity doesn't get him killed." She replied with a chuckle "it'll just be you and Gus" she continued winking at me. 'Oh, no am I that obvious' I think to myself hiding my face in my hands.

"Why don't we do this one" Gus stated snapping me out of my embarrassment. "Zombie apocalypse?" I asked sceptical "it was on my bucket list" he replied making me chuckle. "That's an interesting thing to put on your bucket list" I state with a chuckle. "What can I say, I'm an interesting person" he replied as he ordered us both a ticket.

It started off fine, the game master came in and gave us some back story before he left us to start trying to crack the codes. Me and Gus made a pretty great team, for someone who supposedly grew up on a third world island he knew a surprising amount of American culture. "How do you know all this" I asked as he solved the next clue. "I guess you could say I was obsessed with your culture" he replied with a smile that could brighten up a town.

"Well I'm glad that we were interesting enough for you to do research on." I said with a laugh as we opened one of the locks. "Hmm this one has me stomped," Gus stated looking at the clue in his hand. "Well what does it say" I asked hoping I could help. "I have a bed, but I do not sleep, I have a mouth but I don't eat. You hear me whisper, but I never talk. You can see me run, yet I never walk. What am I?" He stated reading out the clue, "oh that's easy, it's a river" I stated confident about my answer

"Really, I don't get it" he replied a little confused making me laugh. "Rivers have a bed but can't sleep, rivers have mouths but can't eat, they can whisper but can't talk, and can run but can't walk." I explained "oh, that makes sense" he replied happily. Eventually we solved the last clue and escaped in the nick of time. "That was awesome" Gus exclaimed after we took our picture making me laugh. "Yeah I guess it was" I replied as we walked over to Willow.

"Hey guys, how'd it go" she asked noticing us. "It was awesome and we escaped check it out" Gus replied showing Willow the certificate we got for escaping the room. "That's so cool, so do you want to go to a cafe or something" Willow asked and I was about to say yes when ding.

Farther: I'm heading home you better be there and the house better be clean

I started panicking a little "uh, sorry but I have to go home maybe another day." I said before grabbing my skateboard and rushing out the building. When I got home I quickly cleaned the house and laid on my bed. 'Today was awesome I hope we get to do it again' I think to myself a smile clear on my face as I started scrolling through Instagram.

Hey guys good news I'm feeling better. Day 3 will be out by Saturday seeing as it will be longer than my regular chapters. This one shot probably takes place around The Aquarium. And that's pretty much it I started writing down all my ideas for stories so after this ends so you'll never be bored. But I have this thing I have to work on so non of the the updates will have a schedule here's the name of one of my upcoming books I challenge you to try and guess what it's about

Not On Earth

Lol that's all for today have a good night/day/afternoon peace ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽 and thanks for being patient with me

Word count 1266

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