Bonus Chapter for 1k

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Adora POV

The Hored was destroyed, Hored Prime was defeated, and me and Catra were dating. This was a perfect time to go on that best friend squad road trip Bow wanted to go on, well more like space trip. Me, Catra, Bow, and Glimmer were soaring through the galaxies in Mara's ship when something went wrong with the controls. "Bow what's happening?" I asked wondering why we are about to be stuck in Space.

"We're out of fuel, Catra was supposed to fill us up at the last planet." Bow said looking at Catra "I was busy" Catra states causing Bow to scoff. "In Adoras quarters" Bow asked causing both of us to blush. "Well hold on to something, were going to try to make a crash landing" Bow said bringing his attention to the screens in front of him

After a very bumpy ride we land in a wooded area. "Were are we" I asked Bow, my head hurting from the crash landing. "It says here we're on a planet called earth" Bow states looking at one of his monitors. "I'll cloak the ship, then we can find some fuel" Bow states heading back into the ship. While Bow was doing that I decided to look around a little.

I walked out the forest area and was amazed by what I saw. "Uh guys you might want to see this" I say staring at our new surroundings. Just then Bow, Glimmer, and Catra came out from behind me each having my same reaction. "Bow. were. are. we." Glimmer asked in a tone I couldn't quite read. "Uh it says we're in a place called Atlanta" Bow states checking his tracker pad.

"Look, all we have to do is blend in until we find fuel. If anyone ask were human." Bow states tapping something on his tracker pad. "What are you doing" Catra asked curious. "I'm tweaking the pad so we can see large energy signatures. I just have to... there with any luck we should have fuel before sundown." Bow states optimistic about our chances.

We searched every were, every now and then stopping to admire a building. We were beginning to give up when Bow's tracker pad started beeping. "Uh guys there's a surprising amount of energy coming from that building" Bow states. "That can't be right it looks abandoned" I state looking at the condition of it. "That's it alright whatevers behind that door has enough energy to power Etheria" Bow states in excitement.

I observed the building with curiosity, it didn't look like there was anything out of ordinary about it. However it did have a weird door "what type of door has an eye on it" I think to myself. "Me and Catra will check it out and tell you if it's safe." I say looking at the others Bow and Glimmer give me a knowing look. "Don't take to long you 2" Glimmer states making me blush. "Shut up" I mumble trying to hide my blush. As we walk through the door we come face to face with 2 teenage girls.

Amity's POV.

Luz was helping man the human treasures tent while owlbert was out getting new ones. So as Luz's awesome girlfriend I decided help her out. Everything was going well until we heard some noise coming from the portal."Is owlbert back already" I asked surprised at his speed. "No he should be gone for another hour" Luz replied voice wavering slightly.

Just then the door knob started to turn alerting us that someone was coming. I immediately got into a defensive position. When the 2 figures came in I could see Luz's eyes get large as she screamed "AY, QUÉ LINDO" knowing what comes next ,I quickly grabbed her hand "Luz, no they can be dangerous" I say knowing Luz probably won't listen.

"B-but it's a furry" she states still trying to run over to the cat creature. "No" I state trying to keep my girlfriend at bay "but it's a cat" she's states. I keep a firm grip but not hard enough to hurt her "come on Amy please" she asked using my nickname and my puppy dog eyes knowing I can't resist them. I look anywhere but at my girlfriend "why must she be so adorably childish" I think to myself.

I eventually turn my attention back on to the intruders. "Who are you, and why are you own the Boiling isles" I ask getting a spell circle ready. "Amy be nice" Luz said giving up on getting free. "I'm Luz and the one looking at you with a death glare is my girlfriend Amity" Luz introduced us making me lower the intensity of my glare a little. "I'm Adora and this is my girlfriend Catra" the blonde stated.

"Nice to meet you" Luz said I just crossed my arms and Catra did the same thing. "What are you doing in the Boiling Isles" Luz asked nicer than I had previously. "Well me and my friends were on a space trip" Adora started but I cut her off. "What's a space trip is that a human thing" I asked Luz she just shook her head. "What's a space trip" I asked about to make a spell circle "wowowo there's no need for that Amity, put it away" Luz states not wanting to start a fight. "It's just a mild truth spell" I state about to finish the circle "please put it away, for me" she asked again with the puppy dog eyes, why must she be so stubborn. "Ugh fine, but I'm hurt that you weren't as peaceful when you tried to kill me" I state thinking back to the witches duel. "I didn't know Eda was going to go that far, and you were ready to kill me too" Luz states with a giggle I just look down in shame.

"Even so you still tried to be my friend" I state knowing I put her through hell. "And I'd do it all again" she states giving me a hug. "Remind you of someone" Adora asked Catra. "Nope I have no idea what you're talking about" Catra stated looking away. " Sure, anyway as I was saying we were on our space trip and someone forgot to refuel so we had to crash land, and now we're stuck on Earth." Adora summarized " well that's not completely true seeing as your not on earth" Luz stated fiddling with her hands

"WHAT" Catra and Adora scream in alarm. "Chill I know someone who can help you out... I think, anyway your friends can come too if they want" Luz continued. "Luz you can't just help them without asking more questions" I state not trusting the 2 intruders. "We can't just leave them stuck here" she states and I can't bring myself to argue. "Alright, the door in the back will send you back to earth, you can get your friends and we'll try to figure out a way to fuel your ship" I state giving up on arguing.

Catra POV.

Adora and I walked back through the door In hopes of getting back to our friends. Sure enough we were right back were we were before we left. "Hey guys what kept you so long" Glimmer asked making us blush. "Guys you have to see this" Adora states hiding her blush. "What is it" they asked in a more serious tone.

"It's hard to explain you have to see this for yourself." I state still unsure of what we saw, we all go back through the door together. I could see a look of shock pass through there faces as they  look around. "Hey guys, welcome to the Boiling Isles" Luz stated.


So yeah that's it, this took me 2 days to write. My sister helped me out a little at the beginning so shout out to her. I actually really like this idea and explore it further later. However right now I'm going to let my imaginaton rest so it can be ready for tomorrow. Also get ready I have a feeling some shit's about to go down in the next chapter. Until then peace ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

 Until then peace ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

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Word count 1372

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