The Mall pt2

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Gus' POV

I ran happily to Zumiez not wanting for to wait a second later then I have to. "I wonder what board Mack chose for me" I think to myself a blush coming to my face at the thought of the human. I started walking faster praying he'd still be there when I got there.

Macks' POV

What was I thinking! I can't just go up to some random guy and say 'yeah come with me I can teach you how to skate.' I think to myself embarrassed by what I did earlier today. 'Ugh what am I even doing here why would he ever come.' I think to myself about to leave, when I heard someone yell "Mack!" I turn to see Gus running over to me "I'm so, so, so, so, so, sorry I couldn't get here sooner. It was a little difficult to convince my friends to split up. Were you about to go?" He asked looking very guilty.

"It's totally cool, I wasn't waiting that long" I stated with a smile. "Great so when can I get on a board" He said enthusiastically. I laughed at how cute he looked excited 'wait did I just think he was cute' I thought a little panicked. 'I just met the guy I can't think he's cute, I bearly know anything about him.' "Hey Mack, did you already pick a board for me, or should we look together." He asked sending me the cutest smile 'Ok I just admit he's cute' "together" I stated answering his question "fine by me"
he replied.

Hunter's POV

I walked around aimlessly unsure of what store to go to next. Most of us broke up into groups of two, I wanted to join one but I'd probably ruin it just like I do everything else. I know Luz welcomed me with open arms, but I can tell there's still a wedge between me and the group. Not that I blame them, I totally understand why. So for now I walk alone through the mall. Eventually I came across a store that peeked my intrest. 'Spencer's, huh looks interesting enough' I think to myself as I took a good look at it.

It was an interesting store, due to the style of the building it didn't fit in with the rest of the mall. My curiosity got a the best of me and I decided to take a quick peek inside. It was amazing in the isles every store looked the same. Nothing I wore really reflected who I was, and the mask I wore definitely didn't help. Here however nothing's the same, everyone has different likes and Styles.

I continued to look around and decided to try on some of the clothes. They were all pretty cool but non of them really reflected the person I am now. I ended up buying a couple shirts, each one helping me express myself better.

 I ended up buying a couple shirts, each one helping me express myself better

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After I checked out I decided to look around the mall a little more before meeting up with the others

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After I checked out I decided to look around the mall a little more before meeting up with the others. Nothing else really stood out to me until I saw a familiar wich nervously talking to a human. 'So, the little squirt has a crush, good to know' I think to myself a smirk coming on my face.

Time Skip

Eventually I got a text from our group chat that it was time to meet up. I quickly checked the nearest map and made my way to the food court. I got there at the same time as Emira, Viney and a flustered looking Gus. I smirked at him 'oh this is gonna be fun' I think to myself as we sat down with everyone else.

"So how was everyone's day at the mall" Luz asked enthusiastically. "Mine was fine, what about yours Gus" I asked still smirking and out the corner of my eye  I could see Willow doing the same. Gus started panicked struggling to find the right words to say. Wich just made this more entertaining for me and Willow to watch. "It was,.. uh,.. fine,.. we just did,.. uh,.. classic mall stuff" he said with a nervous laugh.

It took all my strength not to laugh at his state. I could tell Willow had the same problem. Thus confirming my theory that she also knew the about Gus's secret.

This is all for now. It's getting late and I'm getting tired. I'm sorry that I haven't updated. It's just I'm on fall break and I've been busy, Saturday I was at the H mart. Wich is basically the place Anne went to in S03 E02. After that we got boba and yesterday I was at six flags with my friend first time at fear fest I'm trying to get this out before midnight so that's all fokes peace ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

Word count 807

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