Day 2

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When we got home from the parade we decided to watch a couple movies before going to bed. 'Only 2 days until I have to say goodbye to my only friends' I think to myself sadly. "We're going to have to wake up early tomorrow so we might want to go to bed early." I state heading upstairs to go to bed.

When I got to my room I began to worry about what will happen once they go back to the demon Realm. I haven't told them yet but the day we arrived here while everyone was busy unpacking their stuff my mom forbade me from going back. I mean I get her reasoning for it, but it still hurts that I will never have the chance to make new memories there.

I just hope my friends will visit me every now and then. They're all very powerful, and not doubt when they get back they'll be busy. So I wanted to use this time to make the most out of the time we have together. Because I know that in the future we won't have any.

I walked to my mom's room in hopes that she could drive us to the amusement park tomorrow. "Mom can you drive us to the amusement park" I asked "pleeeeeeaaaaas" I added. "I don't know mija Six Flags is pretty far" my mom stated unsure if she could make the drive. "It's only a 3 hour drive and we'll get up early" I pleaded hoping she'd cave.

She sighed knowing I wouldn't give this up "fine, but if you're not up by 7 we're not going." She stated with a sigh "how are all your friends even going to fit in the car." My mom asked making me think for a second 'I didn't really think that far ahead' I thought to myself. "Magic?" I stated but it came out more as a question my mom just sighed and went to bed.

I headed back to my room trying to figure out how to fit 9 teenagers and a mom in a Ford. "Hey Amity, you don't happen to know a spell to make things bigger do you." I asked scratching the back of my neck awkwardly "maybe, why do you ask" she replied. "Well my mom's car isn't exactly big enough to hold us all I replied awkwardly. "Well I guess I can use a spell to make the inside of the car bigger." She replied and I engulfed her in a bone crushing hug "thanks Amity, your an awesome girlfriend." I state before letting her go.

Time Skip

The next day my friends and I woke up at 6:00 in hopes of being ready to leave by 7:00. I packed us all lunches and cleverly hid them in my book bag so the security wouldn't stop us. After getting dressed we decided to eat breakfast. I decided to ware my spiderman crop top with some ripped jeans and some black and blue vans.

Amity wore a black shirt with a flannel over it, with black ripped jeans, some black boots, and a bracelet. After eating breakfast we all got ready to go to the park. Thanks to Amity's spell their was more than enough room to fit the 10 of us.

Time Skip

We were halfway through our drive when I began to get tired and laid my head on Amity's shoulder.

Amity's POV

I had felt a weight on my shoulder so I turned to my left to see Luz laying on my shoulder. I felt a blush creep onto my face as a smile formed. I tried to stay as still as possible in hopes of not waking her. 'She's so cute when she's sleeping' I think to myself staring at the human. I turned to my two older siblings and glared at them knowing that teasing would be in my future.
After a while I got tired too and ended up laying my head on hers.

Time Skip

Luz's POV

We had finally finished the drive to the amusement park. I blushed a little when I noticed the position me and Amity were in once I woke up. Before we left I asked my mom if she was coming however she politely declined wanting me to enjoy my last few days with my friends. We went on the biggest ride first and sat next to my girlfriend.

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