Good News & Bad News

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The good news is you guys have a chance to get the next 3 chapters early.  You see I'm in Band and sadly band dues are not cheap. Especially when you're in the magnet program. Not to mention fildtrip. I can only imagine how expensive they are. Anyway if you can get to 20 sales I will be working overtime to get you those chapters. Now for the bad news *takes  a deep breath* my account might be deleted. This is not up to me writing is helped me through a lot and I do not plan on stopping. But sadly it isn't up to me. It's up to my dad, I'm trying hard to fight with him on this but I don't know. I've been avoiding telling you guys because I didn't want you to worry, but I figured you'd need to know.

Here's the link to the fundraiser

Almost forgot to tell y'all you have one  week to raise the money and then I'll post the 3 chapters along with the normal one on that Saturday

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