Do You Want To Go Out Sometime

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                              Luz POV.                        

It's been 2 days since the Arcade incident. Even though Amity says we don't have to talk about it I can catch her sending me worried glances every now and then. We had just finished dinner and were headed to bed. However I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep without talking to Amity.

"Hey Amity" I started when we got to my room. "Yeah Luz" Amity replied.  "Do you want to go out sometime" I asked scared of her answer. Her face flushed red "just you and me, I'm ready to talk about the Arcade" I quickly added. Her smile dropped a little but was quickly replaced by an understanding one. "Sure, I'm glad you feel that you can talk to me" she stated.

"I'm glad I can talk to you, do you want to go tomorrow I know the perfect place." I state hoping she'd say yes "sure how about 2" she asked "I hope you mean pm" I state with a giggle. She laughed too "maybe" she replied. We spent the rest of the night joking around, talking, and just enjoying each others presence.

                           Time Skip.                         

                           Amity's POV.                    

Luz said she wanted to talk about the Arcade incident. Which I guess is a good thing, but I don't want her to feel obligated to. When I woke up I immediately got dressed, I couldn't wait for this afternoon. After I got dressed, and my excitement died down I noticed that the reason for my excitement wasn't here. "Where's Luz" I thought to myself as I headed down stairs to look.

I found said girl in the kitchen mumbling short as she worked on something. "Luz, what are you doing" I asked with an amused smile. She quickly hid said thing behind herback and let out a nervous chuckle. "A-Amity I wasn't expecting you to be up so  early she stated, her edge peaking my interest.

"What's behind your back" I asked suspiciously. "Uh... my hands anyway gotta get going see you at 2 she states before running out the kitchen. I was still confused about Luz's secretive behavior, however nothing seemed to be bothering her so I brushed it off  for now.

                              Time Skip                        

It was finally 2, and me and Luz were about to head out. However before we could leave the rest of our friends came to say bye. "Were are you guys going" Gus asked in curiosity. "Oh, I'm taking Amity to the park" Luz states a smile clear on her face.

Ooh can I-" Gus started but was quickly cut off by an elbow to the stomach by Willow. "Ow, I mean on second thought I rather spend the day exploring the wonders of human house technology" he states not so subtlety winking at us. I blush and judging by the red on Luz's face she had the same reaction.

                              Luz POV.                           

After a short walk we made it to the park. When we got there I made sure to blindfold Amity. I had spent all morning preparing a picnic for us, she almost cought me adding the finishing touches to our picnic basket when she came to kitchen, however I was quick to hide it. When we got to the picnic spot I finally took her blind fold off.

I saw her eyes grow wide in suprise "I love it Luz." She said with a smile as she took a seat on her blanket. We sat in silence for a little while until Amity broke it "I like this park" she states. "It's way more peaceful than the ones on the Isles" she continued I hummed in agreement. "I used to hate it here" I state glaring at the memories of my time here. Amity looked at me in confusion "don't get me wrong the park's nice, I used to come here every day after school to do homework or just clear my mind" I continued staring into the horizon.

"But Amber and her goons had to find out, and decided that they would wait here for me every day, to either beat me up or tell me I'm worthless." I state anger burning in my eyes as I throw a rock I found on the ground. "Anyway, after that I swore to never come back here" I finished my story sitting back down next to Amity, she rapped her arm around me and I leaned into her touch.

"Your not worthless, I know for a fact that because of you all of our lives had been changed for the better." Amity a states her voice gentle and calming I look towards her a ghost of a smile forming on my face. "I thought this would be the perfect place to take you. Considering you, and all the others are the reason I have the confidence to even be here." I explained getting up from my spot on the blanket. "Come on, I don't want this to be a bad memory anymore" I stated holding out my hand "come help me make some new ones" I state pulling her off the ground when she took my hand.

Word count 862

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