Day 3

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Willow's POV

Something happened, I need to know what. Gus has been super out of it ever since last night. Amity seems angrier than usual same with Emira and Viney, I'm pretty sure I caught them plotting murder the other day. Not to mention how stressed Luz is she literally jumps when someone other than Amity comes in her room.

Today's our last day and I refuse to leave earth with bad memories and unfinished business. "TEAM. MEETING. NOW." I yell in an effort to get everyone's attention. In a couple seconds everyone was down stairs waiting to see what this was about. "What's wrong Willow" Luz asked after everyone showed up.

"You, this is about you" I stated and I noticed her tence up a bit. I quickly rephrased  my answer "all of you have something you need to work through, at least before we leave" I  stated not wanting my friends to leave earth angry. "We're all fine Willow" Viney said trying to discreetly walk away. "Ha ha nice try" I state seeing what she was trying to do. "As the only voice of reason here it's my job to make sure you're fine" I state looking at the teens in front of me.

"Edric, Jerbo you can go I'll let you know when I need you" I stated and they walked away. "Ok now let's start with you two" I stated pointing at Emira and Viney who where quietly trying to escape. The two sighed in defeat knowing they wer wouldn't be left alone unless they talked to me. "Follow me" I state about to go to the dining room for privacy. I quickly turned to the younger teens "don't move your next" I stated before walking out.

Emira's POV

"What Is this about were totally fine" I stated trying to convince Willow that nothing happened. "Mhm, sure it's not like you were plotting murder the other night. Who got you guys so mad that you would go that far you normally stop at pranks." Willow stated causing me to freeze "I have no idea what you're talking about" I said in defense. She then showed me the picture of us literally plotting murder.

"Fine it's true, but we had a good reason to" Viney said in our defense. "Well, I'm listening" Willow stated causing us to freeze 'I guess we have no choice, Amity's going to kill me' I think to myself as I tell Willow about Amber. Her eyes glowed green for a second and I could see some of the plants in the room get taller. I was scared she might've lost control when she started taking deep breaths.

She slowly calmed her self down but not before the plants in the room grew another 5 feet. "Sorry" she stated embarrassed "don't be, your getting better at controlling it" I replied. After  finding out about Willow's burst of magic when she's mad the group decided to help her control it. We figured if she could be the best witch at hexide. "So what are we going to do about Amber" Willow asked "kill her" me and Viney replied in unison.

"Yeah about that, sorry to break it to you but, YOU CAN'T KILL A HUMAN KID ON EARTH." Willow yelled in frustration "oh, that explains a lot" I stated and she just face palmed. "Get out I'll help you with your problem later and tell Gus to come in" she said completely done with this conversation. "Ugh fine I can see when I'm not wanted" I stated with a laugh as me and Viney walked away. Before we went back we made sure to let Gus know it was his turn.

Willow's POV

Gus walked in with a solemn look on his face 'something must really be wrong he has a resting happy face.' I think to myself worried about my friend "so are you gonna tell me what's wrong or do I have to grill you for it." I asked hoping to make my friend laugh he just sighed and shows me his phone.

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