Where's Luz

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 ⚠️TW⚠️ slight bullying mostly mocking and taunts                        

  Amity's POV.                 

I sat in the living room waiting Luz to get dressed thinking  about how great yesterday was. I can't believe I went to the movies with Luz I thought still happy about our sort of date, When I heard a knock on the door. I quickly put on a hat before walking over to the door, I opened it to see a blonde girl, with pink streaks wareing a surprised look on her face.

I immediately got defensive calm down Amity at least let her explain remember what happened with Jackson. I reminded myself trying to keep my cool "How may I help you" I asked a little harsher than intended. "Where's Luz" she asked in a tone I couldn't quite read "getting dressed why" I replied slight hesitation in my voice. "I'm Amber her best friend " she said with the fakest smile I've ever seen.

I was about to close the door on her when Luz came down the stairs. "Hey Amity whose at the door" Luz asked seeing me at the door. "Someone named Amber she claims she's your best friend." I could have sworn
I saw a hint of fear cross her eyes before she went back to her usual smile. "Oh Amber yeah we met in 6th grade" she said with a smile but something about it didn't seem right.
Before I could pry anymore I into it she walked out the house to talk to her supposed friend.

                           Luz POV.                           

I tried to keep my cool as I walked out to talk to Amber. (⚠️TW⚠️)"How rude aren't you supposed to invite your friend in" she said with fake offence. "Your not my friend now what do you want Amber" I stated annoyed she came to my house. "Can't I just drop by to my bestie" she asked with a sly smile. "Go away Amber" I said anger boiling inside me.

"I am hurt, and here I thought we were friends." She said pretending to be heart. "Who was that girl anyway did you get a real friend" she said laughing in my face I didn't say anything. "Omg she is your best friend" she noticed looking at how tense I got. "She seems a little to cool for you I wonder if she knows just how weird you really are." Amber thought out loud making me visibly tense again.

"You really didn't tell them did you" she noticed looking at my posture. "She won't care we're best friends" I said with fake confidence. "Who are you trying to convince me or you" Amber asked sarcastically. I couldn't answer Amity gave up so much for me her job, her popularity. She even missed out on a chance to tour the emperors castle because she broke her leg helping me. If she finds out the person she gave up so much for was just a weirdo in a cat hoodie she'd hate me.

"Maybe I should tell her I'm sure she'd be happy to know more about your past." She said with a sinister smile that let me know there was more she planned to do. "But until then see you later Nerdceda."(⚠️TW over⚠️)She  said and with that Amber walked to her car and drove away leaving a very nervous Luz. When I walked back inside I was met with 7 teenagers waiting to go to the arcade. "Oh I forgot we planned to go to the arcade, can we do it another day I sorta just want to watch Netflix and chill" I asked a little guilty.

"Sure but what's Netflix" Willow asked with a chuckle. "Oh sorry forgot, it's just a place you can watch movies and binge watch shows" I said rubbing my left arm with my right hand. "Sounds good what are we watching" Edric asked with his arm around Jerbo's shoulder. "That's up to y'all I'm just sorry I had to cancel our plans" I said still feeling guilty about everything. "Like we said it's fine we have a month to do everything and more" Emira stated making me feel a little better.

"Alright if you say so, I know the perfect show to watch." I stated feeling better about everything. I turned on The Dragon Prince and watched as everyone slowly started falling asleep. Me and Amity were the last ones up, and seeing as we were both alone I figured it would be a good time to talk to her. "Amity" I started, to which she replied a simple hum "do you think I'm weird"


That's all folks, what do you think? The ending was a bit rushed but I'll probably post a part 2 tomorrow. I have had a long after exhausting day so after this I'm going straight to bed. Now  what did you think about the new episode. I personally love reign they're stage frite was adorable. I'm not gonna lie my eyes got a little misty during Eda's almost sacrifice. I am so glad we got an Eda centered episode and that we got to see how Eda feels about everything. Thank you for reading see you later peace out ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

Word count: 861

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