Hu- I mean Luz

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???s' POV

So this is the Human Realm, It's interesting. I think to myself as I looked around. "Alright here's the plan, step one find Luz, step two talk to her, and step three put the past behind us" I state going over my three step plan. After getting used to my new environment I start looking for the human.

Time Skip

Normally if I couldn't find her I
would just ask if anyone knew were she hung out. However here it's like no one even knew she existed. Weird, how come no one knows her if this were the isle all I would have to do is fallow the chaos. I think noticing the change in reactions at the sound of her name.

Eventually I came across 3 kids who looked about my age. "Hey guys  could you maybe help me out a little" I asked hoping they knew the human I was looking for. "I hope I find her soon it's getting late" I think to myself generally worried about how this world treats her. "Sure, what's up" they asked seemingly happy to help.

"I'm looking for Luz Noceda" I state hoping they knew her. "Oh that luzer, why are you looking for her" the boy asked in distaste. "First of all Don't. Ever. Call. Her. That." I say venom in my voice. "Second of all, I want to apologize to her for how much of a jerk I was to her." I state ashamed of my old life decisions "Why, she probably deserved it" a girl with pink hair stated.

Now I was really getting mad "Now listen here Luz did not deserve a single thing I did to her or her friends, and I have to live with that guilt but that doesn't mean you can just sit right here all high and mighty claiming she deserved it" I stated before punching the boy in the face. "Now were is she" I say looking at my red knuckles. "The next neighborhood down" he states holding his now black eye.

"I appreciate it, I mean that too" I stated continuing my search for the human wich. When I finally found her it was really late. "Man, how long have I been looking?" I think to myself noticing how dark it was, I slowly walk over to her wondering what she was doing out so late, when I noticed she was crying "Luz"

Luzs' POV

I quickly wipe my eyes hoping he didn't notice my tears "what do you want Hunter." I asked not wanting to deal with the blonde brat. "I.. uh.. I came to apologize." He states not daring to look me in the eye. "What's with the change of heart" I asked questioning his nice guy act. "Something happened the day you guys left" he started finally looking me in the eye.

He seemed really worried, like he might get jumped at any moment. "What happened, you look really jumpy" I asked noticing his unusual behavior. "I..I.. I'm a clone" he finally states before looking away in shame. "Ok, ok hold on, so you're a clone but of who" I asked interested in who could possibly be that annoying.

"Oh.. uh I'm a clone of belos' brother" he states not expecting my question. "As cool as that is it still doesn't explain your sudden change of heart" I say still not knowing the whole story. "Well it turns out my so called uncle was just trying to make me his new brother and never really cared about me" he said getting progressively sadder as he spoke.

"Dang, that's messed up my mom always said tu familia está ahí para amarte y aceptarte, si no lo hacen, no vale la pena tu tiempo." I state before laughing at the confused look on his face "It means your family is there to love and accept you,  if they don't do that they're not worth your time. Blood doesn't always matter" I state with a smile. "Your real family are the people who make you happy, and only want the best of you, just because you share blood doesn't mean you're family try to remember that" I state smiling at him.

"Thanks Luz, I don't think Belos is my family" he said looking out at the sunrise. "That's ok you can be apart of mine" I say turning to him as he gave me a hug."Thank you Luz" Hunter says again, getting up from his spot. "It's almost morning I should get back to the isle" Hunter stated about to leave. "Hunter wait, don't you wanna stay here with us for vacation" I asked  hoping he'd stay.

"Are you sure you want me stay after everything I've done to you and your friends." He asked surprised at my offer "of course, everyone deserves a chance to try to be better" I state believing that he really is trying to change. "Thanks for believing in me hu- I mean Luz" Hunter said finally giving me a smile as we headed back home.


So what did you think about the chapter. And how do you feel about Hunter being introduced. Don't worry I'll explain more about what happened with Hunter and how he knew how Luz, And other things. Also here's the picture I wanted to put at the beginning.

I didn't want to put it at the beginning because it would spoil the chapter, but I really liked the picture so I decided to add It anyway sorry short chapter have a great day peace ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

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I didn't want to put it at the beginning because it would spoil the chapter, but I really liked the picture so I decided to add It anyway sorry short chapter have a great day peace ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽

Word count 935

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