Mall pt3 (final part)

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(⚠️TW very brutal bullying ⚠️)


Today was awesome me and Amity hung out all day. We ran happily around the mall stopping every now and then to laugh. Never once being caught with a frown on our face. 'I know I won't ever have a chance with you, but as long as we get to continue having times like this. As long I know you will be by my side I will be happy.' I think to myself with a small smile on my face.

At that moment nothing could bring me down it was just me and Amity. While we were running around we passed a bathroom, I told Amity I would be back in a sec and went in. After using the restroom I started washing my hands only to see a certain pink haired girl come out a stall from my reflection. ⚠️'Oh shi-" before I could finish my thought I was  shoved into the mirror.

'Yeah that hurts,' I think to myself before I could get up she yanked me by shirt. "Bold move coming here. Didn't I tell you this is our territory, go back to wherever weirdos hang out." She stated as if she owned the mall "It's a mall Amber, it's just as much yours as it is mine." I stated rolling my eyes, bad idea to do while she was holding a tight grip on my shirt. She slammed me onto the floor and started to repeatedly kick me.

'Ow, I am definitely going to feel that in the morning' I  think  to myself as I try to push pass Amber. I'm eventually successful and run out the bathroom⚠️. When I got out I tried to make it seem  like I was fine so Amity wouldn't worry. When I found her I immediately knew it wouldn't work a worried expression took over her feature.

"Luz, are you ok, what took you so long, why are you limping, wait are you bleeding, what happened?" She asked her last question in a tone as cold as ice. If I didn't know her as well as I did I'd run for the hills, I almost felt bad for Amber if Amity ever found out. "I'm fine nothing happened" I stated with a smile that quickly dropped when I noticed Amber coming  out of the bathroom.

"Let's get back to the tour I state" grabbing her arm and leading her away from Amber. When I was confident that we lost her, I went to the nearest store wich just so happened to be Rue 21. I stopped for a second to catch my breath than turned to Amity. "You ok" I asked already bracing myself for her answer. "What the hell was that about?" She asked not exactly mad but definitely not happy.

Emira POV

Me and Viney were looking around Rue 21 every now and then flirting with each other. When I heard a familiar voice over by the entrance to the store. 'Amity? What Is she doing here?' I wondered motioning for Viney to get quiet so we could ease drop. "I lied ok, Amber found me in the bathroom." I hear Luz say, she sounded inches away from breaking down.

'whose Amber' I think to myself trying to found out where I heard that name before.  "What, why didn't you tell me" Amity asked sounding betrayed. 'That's were I heard it' I think to myself in realization. Amity told me about the mysterious girl who showed up demanding to see Luz. "I didn't want to ruin our day" Luz replied feeling guilty. 

"What was she even doing here, did they follow us again" Amity asked 'what the hell, this bitch is stalking us?' Viney mouthed to me not liking the sound of this 'Amber' either. "No, I knew this was going to happen" Luz stated causing me to use every bit of my will not to yell. I turn to Viney and quickly cover her mouth so she wouldn't give us away. "What the hell Luz" Amity yelled causing some heads to turn towards them.

"Well back at my old school before the Boiling isles Amber marked the mall as 'her' territory. Wich ment no losers allowed, or as Amber always said no Luzers allowed." She answered. I balled my fist so hard my knuckles turned white. 'So this bitch wants to play with fire huh, well I know a lot of people who love fire.' I turn to Viney she looked like she was already about to start a spell circle.

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