Why is HE here

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(⚠️TW toxic family relationship⚠️)

Hunters' POV

Luz said I could join there vacation, but it didn't feel right for me to just show up like that, especially after all that I've done to her. It only took a couple minutes to get to her house. Luz went in first and I hesitated to follow. Luz noticed this and sent me a reassuring smile before offering me her hand, to which I gladly took. As we walked into the house we were immediately met with 7 angry teen faces. "Oh... uh hey guys shouldn't you be asleep" she stated not really knowing what to say.


" I could ask you the same thing we were worried sick" Willow stated making me feel bad. "I didn't mean to scare you" I stated still feeling guilty. "I needed to get some air" I explained hoping they'd understand. "You needed some air at 1AM." Edric asked not really believing my excuse, but luckily Amity changed the subject before anyone pried any further.

"What is he doing here" Amity asked in a cold tone pointing to Hunter. Everyone immediately got in a defensive position. "Don't worry he's a good guy now" I state, but they didn't seem convinced. "Why should we believe him" Amity asked in an even colder tone. "You don't have to believe him, you just have to believe me" I say sticking up for Hunter.

"Of course we believe you it's him we don't trust" Emira stated pointing at Hunter. "She's right how could they possibly trust me after everything I've done." Hunter stated feeling guilty about what he did in the past. "You're right, what you did was messed up" I start looking at Hunter. "But the fact is you came all this way just to apologize for what you did" I continued

"I don't know about you guys but I think that deserves a chance to at least be heard out." I say sticking up for the former Golden Guard. "Fine I guess we can at least hear him out" Amity stated still glaring at the boy.

Hunters' POV

"Well it all started about 1 or 2 days after you left"

Flash back

⚠️I had just came back from a mission. "Uncle, I have matched the last few witches to a coven, only Miss Clawthorn is left" I stated. "Very good Hunter, you may go now" he replied not wanting to talk any more. "Uhh Uncle, forgive me for asking but, how is your curse" I asked worried for my last living relative.

"Non of your concern Hunter" he replied getting a little mad. "Uncle if you'd just let me help-" I started but was cut off. "I said it was non of your concern now go to your room" Belos stated practically yelling. I just kept my head down "yes Uncle" I  stated before walking to my room. When I got there I proceeded to yell into a pillow.

"Why won't he just let me help him, what is he hiding" I asked to no one in particular. "Chirp" I looked up to see little rascal trying to cheer me up I laugh at the effort. "Thanks buddy" I said putting out a finger he can purch on. Just then I got an amazing idea "I've got it, there's bound to be plenty of cures in his book, but he hates wild magic to much to use them." I state coming up with a plan to save my Uncle. "I'll borrow the book, make one of it's cures, and return it before anyone notices" I state positive my plan would work.

The next day I put my plan into motion. While he was working on his portal I stealthily took his book. After successfully stealing the book I ran to my room to read over it's cures. As I looked through the book I found a page with a diagram that looked vaguely similar to me. I began to read out loud out of curiosity "Grim Walkers, also known as clones, often used as sacrifices or replacements. Known for there magenta eyes, Grimm Walkers do not remember anything that their original host did."

I stop for a second when I saw a small yellow sticky note stuck to the page. It read 'must bring brother back' everything made sense now. Why I can't remember my parents, why I can't do magic, why I always felt different. "I'm a clone" I  state not believing the words that came out my mouth. "I have to get out of here, Belos isn't a savior he's a  psycho" I stated realizing the man he really is.

I used my stealth skills to sneak out the castle, but I had no where to go. "Ugh what am I doing I can't just live on the streets, but I can't go back eather" I stated noticing my dilemma. "Chirp" little rascal stated landing on my shoulder "are you kidding no way" I stated thinking his idea was crazy. "Chirp" he replied "I guess you're right there really is no other choice" I stated going with little rascals plan. "Alright were here" I stated letting little rascal know why we stopped.

That's it I'm sorry for the short chapter it's late and I'm sick. I know it's technically passed midnight but can we at least pretend it's not. It's really hard  coming up with ideas when your throat feels like shit. Have a great day/ night/ afternoon I'll finish the flashback next week

Word count 919

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